Hi, I don't know if it's just me, but no matter what I still have the message: "you have 1 Unread Post" showing. This after I've already clicked the link to view the threads with Unread Posts. When I click on it to go see that 1 Unread Post, it comes back with that there are none. :shrug: I'm familiar with this plugin as I use it on my site, but not encountered this.... Anyone else? Edit: I guess it's resolved as I went to Mark All Forums Read, then it went to No Unread Posts, as expected. I guess that tells me it was counting a post that I do not have access to. Sorry for the thread.
I've changed the settings so it shouldn't count hidden forums. Please let me know if the issue is resolved or not, as I may have forgotten some of them.
You've got to fix for me again. I have this OCD thing about unread posts showing up that I cannot get to ZERO!!! lol When you have a chance, thanks in advance again.
Yes I did do that like as before. I know it was inadvertent since the count was due to threads having been moved. But somehow my account still counts them until I do the mark all read. sorry, was just being silly in light of other less-silly-ish topics today. not to knock them, just saying. so thanks for the reminder yo!