i was kinda invited so.... hello i just spent 5 minutes waiting for all the smilies to load. i really like this little guy :freak: . but i couldn't find a lurker smiley so i feel very :mecry:
Hi Kristin..... The " " smilie here is called the : shifty :, and while it used to appear as " ", it now looks like On a side note, a personal favorite of mine is the smilie ( : unsure : ), every board needs it.... Anyway......Welcome!! ^_^
Welcome to the board. You will probably find that some of the people you know from other boards have different (and for the most part better) personalities here. Then there is Martin^_^ . Just kidding, Martin...
hehe, yeah, i know a whole lot of you. cool but the new shifty isn't as good as the old one. sorry i have to say that but they're totally different :huh:
hello Kristin, I agree 100% regarding the newfangled "shifty" (ie lurker) smiley. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay!