Ok, well design wise I am STILL learning, and today I learned something...I guess? Thoough I have a question, can you have a transparent .JPG that reads as a .GIF?
.............................. Hmm, interesting. Never thought about making a .jpeg transparent, but I highly imagine that you can't in the first place. But if you could (and I'm to lazy to fire up the PS right now) then I believe you can somehow integrate it into an animated .gif, only in PS. /utter confusion
I did... that's the thing.... The extension is .JPG but it registers as a .GIF.... See below! . <---Transparent JPG.
Not just transparent, but completely invisible. You can't make a jpeg image transparent. You can use some image editing programs to erase backgrounds or other areas of a JPG image and then save them as a PNG or GIF file, but the JPG format does not support transparency. It may be possible to rename a transparent file type to *.jpg, but I haven't tried that. It wouldn't serve any purpose, if it did. Jim
are you sure that jpg doesn't just have a solid background to match the rest of the page? If the quality was high enough you might not see any artifacts.
Funny thing... I didn't renamed as .jpg! x.x I am SERIOUS! Don't you see how it looks here in AA??? It's supposed to be a white background in my site. OK, I HAD to come to the conclusion that..... I am plainly a genius! /Kidding.
Had to view source to find the URL and load the image, looks like a house to me. http://pisogaupdate.com/images/turu/nav_start.jpg
Something is messed up with the image. It must be a .gif that accidentally had a .jpg extension added on somehow, because I cannot open the image in photoshop because it has an "invalid jpeg markup found".
It is! Ok, it's transparent! Transparent JPG that registers as a GIF but it has a JPG extension! EDIT: When I posted this I was responding to Michelle.
Maybe the browser is equipped to handle images with the wrong file extensions? (That doesn't explain why it didn't show up in the post though.)
Yeah, I clicked the link left to go to that image on your site and got a totally different site, along with popups and a gazillion ads. If that's what your host does, you really should consider a new host. That was awful. :speechless: Jim
?? That's weird, it didn't happen like that for me. Are you sure you don't have some kind of virus/spyware?
You can do faux-transparency. Using the same hex color code as whatever the image will be laying on. That's my best answer.
Well, I clicked it again so I could tell you the site I was redirected to and got the little image this time. Maybe I was just havin' flashbacks to the 70s. Just say no to drugs. Jim
You cannot make a transparent jpeg image - it's impossible as the jpg, jpeg, jpe format does not by definition support transparency. What you've probably done above is to have made a .gif image with transparency and renamed the extention. That's not the same thing and a lot of browsers will not be able to read the image. The trick Boss mentioned above about making the background the same color as the the background the image will be on is the best option towards making a jpeg appear transparent. Otherwise - stick with the gif or better-yet - the png format for best alpha transparency. Jacquii.
I agree with PNG being the best for alpha transparency. T.T I renamed nothing. >=[ My photoshop is buggin' on me.
LOL - tis why I use PhotoImpact But Shelley is trying to persuade me to at least try PS - Idk... Perhaps one day... Jacquii.