I want some opinions on my Twitter background. Just something very simple that took less than 10 minutes to make. I just couldn't find a nice font that was appropriate.
Got a link or something where it can actually be seen? If I need a twitter account then I'll not see it..
How small is your screen resolution? o.O That was made to fit a 1200 x 800 screen. I use 3.5.5 and the box comes out perfectly in it and any other browser. Edit: *Signs* Gnatster, please maximize your browser's window so it will show properly.
Like it overall - just the gray on white is not exactly the best contrast, IMHO. Other than that, looks great!
It's much worse for me; about 50% of the text is covered. For example, the first line only goes up to "I'm Alex, and". That's it. My screen resolution is 1024x768.
I like it How did you do that? I haven't looked into any special Twitter backgrounds, but I figured I should since all I have are repeat/tiled pics. Arnold Varona (TheWDBoards) on Twitter Arnold (MagicThemeParks) on Twitter
My resolution is 1680x1050, and I NEVER maximize my browser windows. I say bring it down to 1000 or so wide in TOTAL or you're going to have a TON of people looking at a horrible page (in their minds).
*Sighs* Maximize it, and it works. It's an auto expanding content box, that's how Twitter is coded. I had a friend look at it who uses 4 screens, if he resized the window, it looked off. Maximized? Looked normal. If I look at Alissa Sheley's twitter page, it looks wonky. Because I use 2 rows of taskbar space, and I can't see everything that's under her picture. Twitter just needs to setup a real content area where we can stick our stuff in. No pun intended. Although, whoever designer her page, and I'm guessing it was her, did a fantastic job.
My browser window is always maximized. I'm not on some huge monitor, or even remotely decent-sized monitor - I'm on a mere 1024x768 resolution and no matter what, I cannot see all of it. Every single Twitter page I visit with one of those content bars on the side is like that - I even thought that's how it is supposed to be. Apparently, it's not, and my monitor/resolution is the problem.
My twitter bg fits just perfectly for huge and small screens, and it's cute too. I like yours though, it would have been nice if it fit all monitors. XD