Twitter Updates Mod?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Bryce, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    There is quite a few more out there, make sure to check em all out and see what is best for you :)
  3. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Could you name a few for me? This one doesn't seem to be working :(
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

  5. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Thanks. But I've got this one working fine. I just wanted threads tweeted, not every post.
  6. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Excellent :D
  7. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    I had problems with the one you actually linked to, so an alternative (if you ever do run into them) is Tweet Poster which handles things much more efficiently and integrates nicely into things!
  8. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    That's the one I'm using, but thanks.

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