I have had 3 people just start following me GiftBestBuy1 (GiftBestBuy1) on Twitter ^ What the hell? Best buy gift following me? Weird, anyone else get weird followers?
Theyre the spammers of Twitter, just wanting you to follow them back to increase their popularity as well as spam you with updates more than likely
Yeah, I tend to block most people that follow me if it's all about promotional stuff. I get this more and more lately, unfortunately Another stunt is to not put anything in as a "tweet", gain massive followers then just start tweeting away.
Ya, I got about a 100 of those following me. I generally don't anything about it unless it's porn. Here is my twitter accounts just in case anyone is interested. Ray Hayes (50calray) on Twitter Raymond Hayes (Semiautorifles) on Twitter
The more active you get with Twitter, the more spam followers you'll start to get. I don't worry to much about it, if they want to follow me, let them. Not like I'm going to follow them back, I recently added a TrueTwit Sign Up to filter out the spammers that follow me. I always unfollow anyone that I see posting from an API or twitterfeed as well.
It's been pretty handy for be, I've only had it setup a few days but it'll follow a user back if they pass the captcha images.