What shows do you just have to watch every night? Do you have a line up all week or do you just surf till you find something good? I am so sad I actually have a line up of shows I watch when they come on. I actually make sure to be done with dinner and everything else just to be able to watch them. Smallville Supernatural Medium House Burn Notice In Plain Site Heros Bones Just to name a few on the line up
Shows I am following is theese. Lost Supernatural Smallville NCIS 24 Heroes Eureka Two and a Half Men How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons Family Guy Life My Name Is Earl And I am also watching other shows but theese is the one that I watch every episode. I used to follow Las Vegas and Scrubs to but thoose are cancelled
I don't watch shows when they are scheduled but instead when I have time. I just schedule the DVR to record what I want to see. I try to watch them but don't necessarily see every episode as my television time is limited to 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Most nights I am asleep before that. Currently it has: CSI CSI: Miami CSI: New York NCIS Criminal Minds Numbers The Closer Raising the Bar Rescue Me Saving Grace In Plain Sight Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: SVU Eureka Ghosthunters GHI Fringe Bones House Dollhouse Burn Notice True Blood The Tudors Stargate: Atlantis (not sure if they are going to air the last two contracted seasons though) I'll be adding Stargate: Universe as soon as it pops on the schedule though I am a little dubious about the concept. Not a big fan of sitcoms though.
Second season starts on Sunday. Good thing as well. The Tudors season just ended and my wife is already going through Jonathon Rhys Myers withdrawal. True Blood will help hold her over. I understand the first season of True Blood is on DVD already or will be released soon.
Shows I watch every week - CSI: Miami Law & Order: SVU Paranormal State Ghost Hunters Criminal Minds House The Closer
Supernatural Prison Break (now finished) House MD Terminator (The Sarah Conner Chronicles) I think this show is being axed. Heroes (Another disappointing season)
To help me through Tudors withdrawl I've been watching movies about them... A Man for All Seasons went into a bit more depth about Thomas More.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen Paranormal State in about 2 weeks now. I just looked at the A&E site and don't see it on the schedule, tho they announced that they've picked it up for another season. I guess it's on hiatus I hate hiatus's, throw's my whole schedule off. :frown:
For my wife, The Tudors is less about learning about the royal family and more about Jonathon Rhys Meyers. The movie "August Rush" would be a suitable substitute. She has read all the historical fiction and has seen all the movies about the family. Even the historically inaccurate ones like 'The Other Boleyn Girl'.
I'm more of a national geographic, discovery, history, science channel guy. I don't record many series on those channels though I just check daily for what's coming up an schedule record on my DVR. Aside from that the 'normal shows' I watch are: Two and a Half Men Big Bang Theory (just really getting into it) Law & Order Simpsons American Dad 20/20 Depending on what's being shown 60 Minutes (I know I feel old) Cannot think of any other ones off the top of my head.
The Anime that I watch can't be shown on television. And no, not that animated porn stuff. Just not into the stuff that gets broadcast on Cartoon Network and more into actual anime which is mostly violent and mostly rated R or MA. Though I do catch some on Starz once in a while its mostly off of discs.
Trust me it really is worth seeing. Best show on television right now. Make sure you see the first season when you can. =)
I used to love TV but I don't really get into it anymore, sadly. I do still love Mythbusters and was recently back into LOST. I used to watch Criss Angel, too.