wow.......there was this member on another forum, who got banned all the time, mainly because he would get in debates with other members, which got heated, and then ended up swearing at them and getting banned. he never seemed to learn from this, and other members, who wanted a bit of a fight, deliberately wound him up so he would swear at them. because of this, every time he posted on the forum, people would either ignore him, or wind him up. i am one of the forums oldest members, with twice as many posts as anyone else, and always try and be friendly to everyone, so i decided to be nice to him, like nobody else ever seemed to be. i think i proved to everyone that if you respect others, they will respect you, and that no amount of flaming will stop a troll, and anger and violence ever solves anything. nowadays if there is a problem i can calm him down, and he will rant to me about it in pm, although this is becoming less and less. he can actually have a conversation with other members, and knows when to stop in a debate. hes got 700 posts, and hasnt been banned in a few months. i like to think ive helped, cause in conversations by pm, or in the chat, he seems quite young, and doesnt seem to understand people very well. since i have been his friend his behaviour has improved a lot.
Seems like he's not a troll, just a confused individual who doesn't get along with people easily. The other members trying to get him wound up should have been the people banned if you ask me.
Well done Miss narna. It's the way to go, definitely. There should be more people like you on good forums.
i do try im just too nice to people, and he didnt have any friends, so i decided i would become his friend, cause nobody deserves to have no friends