Trojans and Keyloggers

Discussion in 'Security and Legal' started by Big al, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    There is a new nasty ransomware going around called "Cryptolocker"

    More details in the link above.

    There is also an old keylogger "Zeus" being used by some Indian hackers, it steals information by Man-in-the-browser keystroke logging. Indeed we have a member here who has detected it on his PC and does not know how to remove it.

    Of course supporting a known hacker on his website who uses this keylogger was not a smart move on his part.

    Please everyone take care and keep your AV's up to date.
  2. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Who is infected with Zeus? I have had to remove that a couple times from client PCs. I can help them or did you mean it was purposely done to them? lol
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    BirdOPrey5 posted that he was infected with it. The self confessed hacker/spammer Chandra who he is supporting on his website uses such keyloggers etc.
    2+2 = 4.
    I was accused of not understanding the word " IRONY" LOL.

    It is very naive of Joe to think he can sup with the devil and not be affected.
    I can also help him to remove it, but he has forbidden me from contacting him by email as he is so afraid of the truth.

    I would not wish anyone to have all his private details stolen, so I hope you can help him, although I am sure that by now a certain Malayalam Indian from Kerala has all Joes private details safely stored away for use against him later.

    Just for the record in case there is any misunderstanding, I have no need to do this sort of thing as I already have all (or most) of Joes details.
  4. GeorgeB

    GeorgeB Building Social Communities Since 2004

    Nope, you did it. I'm callin the cops now.
    Big al likes this.
  5. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    Thanks for the heads up about the virus.

    I don't use to open attachments unless I know the person or service who is delivering me the file, but I know that does not put me aside from getting my computer infected.

    Either way, as opposed to my liking, I'm actually running an antivirus besides Windows Defender, hoping this help to keep my computer clean.
    Big al likes this.
  6. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    AW BUGGER. Now I am for it. :eek:
  7. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Ransomware is DIRTY. They have yet to crack it.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  9. deansaliba

    deansaliba Regular Member

    I don't want to jinx anything, but I like to think I'm very careful about things like this, I've been online since the late 90s and I've only had one virus on my system and that was when I allowed my brother to use it, I am always vigilant, especially when it comes to downloading files or opening email attachments.
  10. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
    pixelek likes this.
  11. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Sorry for bumping this thread (Big Al - you are better than me in this :) ), but have to add something here.

    Linux is thought to be viruses-free....its not. During +/- last week we (as a company) has been having many people asking for help how to remove some dirty staff from their Linux powered computers. As of my observation of the logs they've been posting, the most common location of viruses is /var directory.

    What to do when your computer gets infected? First - do a clean scan (with clamav or - more preferably - from live ISO image) - take very much care to scan each & every file within system dirs (partition '/' (root)), scan your home dir (/home/user).

    What can protect you even more is small (but powerfull) script called iptables. Just set some nice blocking rules and place them in /etc/init.d so they can be loaded at boot.
  12. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    @pixelek. Thank you for your informative post. Yes ALL systems are subject to attack by those who wish us ill.
    If a hacker is going to spend a lot of time and effort developing malware etc, then logically he/she would work on malware for windows with it being the most used system.

    However the hackers are now turning their attention to Linux and Macintosh as they become more popular.

    As the hackers /scammers evolve, the successful ones are putting large amounts of money into programs that can do a lot of damage so they are becoming more of a problem.

    The combined returns financially from these programs is staggeringly high, so they will continue to be used and developed.

    Thank you for posting some solutions to the attacks against Linux users.

    Dziękujęzaopiekę naditojestdobrawiadomość.
    pixelek likes this.
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