However I have problem with the buttons in the forum.I tried to download from my computer this theme from the admin cp,and it failed to even load up: VISION 2 I wanted that nice theme and thinking it will fix the button problems of the default theme. Any suggestions? Here is my FORUM I transferred from SMF to myBB.
I checked my forum and see that the buttons mysteriously showed up,but now I no longer can log in,despite that it states that I did log in successfully.It goes right back to the guest status. :mad2: Anyone know what caused this to happen?
Buttons: Well, 1) Are you sure you have the right path for the images, if yes 2) are you sure the image folder is chmodded correctly? Login issue: This means your cookies are set wrong. Please refer to this thread in the MyBB forums Login/Logout problems? PLEASE READ
By the way, your Mod Lounge is readable to me, so you may want to alter some of the permissions once you've grasped how to use the Admin Panel
The buttons problems mysteriously went away.During the time those buttons and smilies were missing,I was able to log in fine.But when the buttons and smilies showed up and the board looks normal,then I no longer can log in,despite stating that I have successfully logged in. So how did the cookies go wrong all by themselves?,which by the way are correctly set in the firefox settings. I have cleared the cookies from Firefox and still nothing works.
Matt does not tell us where we go to fix the problem.Was it in the cPANEL? I am so new to this stuff that I am still easily lost. :uhh:
If you have access to your ACP, fix it through your ACP. Otherwise, you'll have to fix it in your inc/settings.php file first and then fix it again in your ACP.
??? I can not LOG IN the forum at all.So how can I fix it in the ACP,while being logged out? Therefore it must be in the cPANEL,to do this: inc/settings.php file
I was able to log in (it suddenly let me in and I did nothing to make it work) and looked in the System Health section and see this: All of the required files and directories have the proper CHMOD settings. The buttons and smilies are still missing anyway.
If you have the "All of the required files and directories have the proper CHMOD settings.", you don't need to CHMOD any files. It looks like you didn't upload all of the files in the images directory - please check that you have, and if you haven't, upload the missing files. If you do have all of the files, try deleting all of the images and uploading them again.
When I go to the forum,where everything looks normal and nothing is missing (the buttons are all there),I can not log in successfully despite that it says I have.I am still a guest. But when I enter the forum through a link to the PM board (the one where I am notified through my e-mail) then I am logged in,but the buttons and smilies are missing.This is what I see with my personal home computer.But at work using their computer then I see a lot of red X's all over the place.But I never have problem logging in either. When the board looks nice,I can not log in,but when it is a mess,I can log in. Weird. I will go look at the images directory in the cPANEL and see what it looks like. Thank you for you and others in helping me dealing with this problem. Came back to point out that I had someone who had the experience to do the transfer,I will ask him about the images files.
One other thing I noticed, is that you seem to be linking to the forum with two different URLs: and This could be causing both problems, in a sense. My assumption would be that logging in works on the second, as that is what you have set as the cookie domain. Might be something to look into.
He fixed the problem and told me that the second link you posted is the good one,the other one is junk and never will work. Now I can log in and everything works! Thanks for your help in making this work. In the short time I have had this set up (that is working) I like it better than SMF,primarily because the default theme is so much nicer. I will give credit to several people in this forum who extolled the qualities of myBB.They caused me to look it over and worked with the demo and saw that I can use it better.
The forum is much nicer than SMF,and now with my site administrator,we are working on adding a header with a photo and the phrase Global Warming Skeptics. Hopefully we will soon know if we are getting it done correctly.