Tough situation

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by DarkWarriorXII, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. DarkWarriorXII

    DarkWarriorXII Addict

    I'm in a rough spot right now. I have a large database, but my space and bandwidth still fit within a shared server account's limits. I need to do backups of my sites, but my host doesn't like me to do so because of my large database. I've raised money to upgrade to semi-dedicated server, but my host said that that wouldn't even be enough for performing daily backups. They said that a dedicated server would be the only way to go.

    This is where my problem comes in. I raised enough money to upgrade to a semi-dedicated server. I cannot afford a dedicated server. As I said, my space and bandwidth usage are low enough to still work with a shared server account. The only thing I need to upgrade for is performing backups. Therefore a dedicated server, aside from backing up, would be overkill.

    Since I can't afford a dedicated server, but need to do backups, what would you suggest I do? What type of hosting arrangement would be best for doing daily backups with a 1.7 GB database? My host originally said a semi-dedicated server would be ideal, but is now saying a dedicated server is needed.

    I need advice! :(
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

  3. DarkWarriorXII

    DarkWarriorXII Addict

    Well I raised enough to pay up to $60/month for 12 months.

    Would VPS allow for backups of the database? Backing up files isn't as much of a problem as the database is.
  4. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Have you thought about a place that allow unlimited disk space on a shared server? Hostgator type place?
  5. DarkWarriorXII

    DarkWarriorXII Addict

    I think it's the other resources like RAM that are the problem. I'm not really sure what goes on within the server when you do a backup, but I'd assume it was those types of resources that are the problem, not necessarily space and bandwidth.
  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure RAM is what you're after when doing backups.

    Unfortunately, I'm the anti-guru when it comes to hosting and servers, so I can't be of much help. I know that one of Wayne's biggest sought-after aspects of a hosting package is RAM, so hopefully he can give you some advice.
    I remember that not too long ago he was considering a plan between ServInt and WiredTree, and was leaning towards ServInt. You may want to check them out as well.
  7. DarkWarriorXII

    DarkWarriorXII Addict

    Oh wow I just looked at their site, they have a great value compared to the other couple sites I was looking at. I hope Wayne will be able to advise me. This whole situation really got me down. I thought I was finally going to be able to do nightly backups. Now I find out I can't. :rolleyes: :(
  8. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I can second the WiredTree recommendation. A Virtual Private Server (do you have some kind of reseller package now) sounds like it would be optimal for you, but like Nick, I'm not that savvy when it comes to this. I'm sure you could ask WiredTree for their configuration recommendations and if their VPS' can suit your needs. If so, they're a great company overall. Great support, no downtime, very nice loading speeds, etc.

    (I've also heard good things about them elsewhere.)
  9. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I'd recommend WiredTree, as well. I have been with them for quite a while now and have nothing but positive things to say. I am currently hosting a highly-customized virtual private server with them (but you don't need to do this - they offer starter plans that are quite nice, as well) and will be upgrading to a hardware dedicated solution shortly. When it comes to flexibility (i.e. account specifications, upgrades, software updates), they are superb - and their support response is excellent, as well.

    Highly recommended - no complaints whatsoever. :thumbup:
  10. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Maybe you need to consider switching hosts. Figure out how much room you really need, then check out hosting packages and see if you can find a better value. (Then contact your current host and politely talk about how you hate to leave and would rather stay with them, but you need xxx space and features for yy price.)
  11. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    HostGator solved my problem - they re-thought their allocation of space and I now have virtually unlimited db space (they say.)

    I should open another thread, probably, for the subject of hosting accounts not friendly to forums. IMO it's ridiculous to be using less than half the availalbe space on a semi-dedicated account and be told one needs to double both cost and space for a dedicated account, which has less service than semi-dedicated. Why would I double my cost so I could have even more unused space, and less service? I know the technical answer. The business decision makes no sense. HG changed the configuration on their semi-dedicated accounts to solve this problem.

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