Why not make this list ALL of your members in groups of 25, and list the members by how many posts, instead of just 25? that way others can see how they rank? cause I feel left out, hehe.... ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
I'll second, third, fourth, and fifth that! ---------------------------- Lister from Red Dwarf - "I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
Wow, multiple personalities too boot.... how you never cease to amaze me.... ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
What the hell?!? ---------------------------- Lister from Red Dwarf - "I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
I'll sixth - onehundredth that! ---------------------------- Ra rules! Trumpets rule! Games rule! I rule!
Copycat. ---------------------------- Lister from Red Dwarf - "I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"
can I one hundred and first that? or am I not allowed since its my post in the first place? ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
If I was a copycat I woulda said "I second, third, fourth, and fifth that!" like a moron! . I said 6-100, since someone took my line (thirdend it) ANYWAY...why 25? Why not 23? Or 39???? ---------------------------- Trumpets rule! Games rule! DBZ rules! Ra rules! I rule! GO LIONS! GO WOLVERINES! Phonies suck... Mother nature rules! Never underestimate a ladybug, for it may be your downfall!
cause 25 is a perfect square and the others aren't..... or something.... ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
then what about 16? Or 9? Or 36? Or 50? Or 100? or 5? Or just 1 Dedicate a member list page for EACH member....! That'd be funny! Course, it's already there, called the profiles *shrugs* I'm contradicting myself aren't I? Anyway, I say you should do what Jabby first said ---------------------------- ...this has been a message brought to you by Napoli Inc. ...
I think you try to hard to confuse yourself Napoli, . Yah, but I agree with what Jabby first said, too... I think we should go with that.... you know, now that I think about it.... that Jabby is one smart guy.... I believe he should be appointed as the Grandmaster of the forum and given the keys to the city.... *looks around suspiciously* *whistles innocently and walks away slowly* ---------------------------- ******This message brought to you by the company to re-elect Jabberwock for Emporer of the known Universe
This is a good idea that's been brought up a few times - just keep in mind that there aren't going to be too many physical changes made around here till Alien gets the new forum up and running... ---------------------------- My knob tastes funny.
wELL i THINK THAT tensions are building around here! Dave and Nap...chill out dudes!! Great idea Jabberwock! Glad to see you here at the Soup! The "card" is here! side note: Jabberwock I've known you for quite some time...and I would never vote you back in as the Emperor....
We're only kidding Swimmers! Nap, we're buddies aren't we? . ------------------ Lister from Red Dwarf - "I want to get married, have a family... get lots of practice in the things you need to do to get a family"