I am shopping around for a new webhost as of right now...i am not unhappy but i am interested in bringing it to the US(currently we are hosted in canada) A new year brings new challenges and changes and new things to learn and i am wondering is it time to venture from shared to vps? I had considered semi-dedicated hosting but i was like ehh...it's still shared just with a little more power behind it. My site's stats(rounded up) 700 or so members 200,000 posts A year old next month Our general online numbers hover between 8-22 members though usually when i use tumblr or twitter to advertise, it may spike up higher than that but that is literally only when i am actively advertising. on average we probably have 15 or so on at any given time and anywhere from 400-1000 posts made a day. One host said shared would be okay for now but i'd be pushing the limits for shared. The other host said while i could try their shared out that the concern would be how often the database with 200,000 posts is being searched, how active the site is throughout the day. It also would depend on how much a load each visitor generates and that very soon it could be time t o move to an entry level vps...if not already. WHat do you guys think?
Can you afford it? I use Liquidweb.com and it has been a godsend. I love them. I do pay $61 a month though.
Go for something a little cheaper. You don't want to be out of pocket. Look around at various host websites who have VPS. I'm with Cloudaccess.net They cost $20 for host and you have a dedicated server which is a VPS
http://tmzvps.com has been really good to me. Personally I'd go with a VPS at this stage just to have access to all the resources your buy. Shared hosting is to hit and miss.
A dedicated is more costly and pricey than a VPS though. It goes, sharing hosting, then a VPS service provider. I'd recommend Liquidweb for a VPS service.
Some are and some aren't. IF they have a reasonably good plan that covers everything you might only get away with paying $20 a month. I was with oxxus.net who also have a dedicated server. I found that their hosting was great but their servers were shithouse. You are better off looking at a clouded plan where it covers everything in a bundle making it cheaper for you. Take a look at this site here. http://www.cloudaccess.net It has got it's own VPS that is not that expensive. If you are only looking at VPS you will be out of pocket. Look at something that is a bundle and that allows you to bring mates over as well because the affiliate system is even more awesome. Their hosting is 100% awesome. Haven't had my site go down once as yet. Also you could easily go with Joomla.org which is a free website builder and do the whole thing.
You can try this site 9Cubehosting.com.They are providing reliable Vps hosting at resonable cost with great features.Review that site for more information.
I have a managed hybrid from wiredtree.com. It costs me $99 per month. I've been using the for over 2 years now.
ServeInt is a good option for a VPS too but I highly recommend picking up a copy of "putty" to manage your server. VOS setups are notorious for having a lot of power wasted on a control panel and you're likely going to waste a lot of resources if you don't manage it yourself.