Alright Ive Decided to change the ole avatar. I have been thinking about doing it for a while and I think Ive made the decision to do it. So What do you all think. <IMG SRC="" border=0>
here's a trnsparent one if ya want it, looks ok, pretty dull, but then I guess thats just the way they are . <IMG SRC="" border=0>
So, what does the yin-yang say about you that the flag doesn't? . ------------------ "I suspect that many an ailurophobe hates cats only because he feels they are better people than he is; more honest, more secure, more loved, more whatever he is not." --Winifred Carriere
hmm, I like the yin-yang symbol, but may I suggest you maybe brighten the colors to black and white or maybe get fancy with it and make them whatever colors you like. Green and yellow, red and blue, purple and grey, etc... Kinda makes things interesting I think . ------------------ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; while loving someone deeply gives you courage. --Lao Tzu "Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there with open arms and open eyes." --Incubus 'Drive'
Well the flag was more a joke then anything else. I did it in my room under a Pink Floyd poster that said mother should I trust the government, which I dont, I saw the flag on a site so I turned it around like the one in my room. Now I have started to think about it and I think a lot of people get the wrong idea about the upsidedown flag. I actually do like my country So I wanna change. As for the Yin-Yang Ive been wearing one around my neck for 4 years. I like the way it looks, and I agree with much of the philosophy behind it. I think im gonna play with this one, and I will have a custom one later on ------------------ Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon - Pink Floyd Those times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrafice. You sacrafice the things you love. I love my guitar - Jimi Hendrix
I think the new avatar is great. Afterall, I think of Prox as more of a yin-yang than a flag. . --|BRiT| ------------------ "That which does not kill you, makes you wish it did." "We the willing, lead by the ungrateful, are doing the impossible. We have done so much, with so little for so long, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."
i just played with it for a few minutes, and got this: <IMG SRC="" border=0> i didn't want to ruin the flame effect with transparency - if all the message boxes were the same color, i could matte it on that and it would look great, but they alternate. anyhoo, this looks cool imho. ------------------ "I've never been sigged." - PsychoticIckyThing "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM
WoW Mj that is amazing you truly are captin avatar. Could you make it a little bigger and transparent, I think I would like to use that one If the transparency didnt mess it up too much. ------------------ Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon - Pink Floyd Those times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrafice. You sacrafice the things you love. I love my guitar - Jimi Hendrix
ok i did two more from scratch. the first one has better, softer flames, but the matting is going to make it kinda ugly in the lighter color bacground for posts. the second one doesn't have the matting problem because the flames stop abruptly with no softness. the first one: <IMG SRC="" border=0> the second one: <IMG SRC="" border=0> ------------------ "I've never been sigged." - PsychoticIckyThing "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by monsieurjohn on July 03, 2001 at 01:33 AM]</font>
here's how the first one will look with the other background color: <IMG SRC="" border=0> ------------------ "I've never been sigged." - PsychoticIckyThing "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM
I prefer the second one as well. --|BRiT| ------------------ "That which does not kill you, makes you wish it did." "We the willing, lead by the ungrateful, are doing the impossible. We have done so much, with so little for so long, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."
well looking back at them after a week, i agree with you but unfortunately, the guy who matters isn't to be found! ------------------ "I've never been sigged." - PsychoticIckyThing "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM
Just give me the word Prox, and I'll hook you up. . ------------------ "Meet me at the waterfront, after the social." -SC
Give me the second one . . . Give me the second one . . . MJ to the rescue again . . . Thanks man. ------------------ Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon - Pink Floyd Those times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrafice. You sacrafice the things you love. I love my guitar - Jimi Hendrix
Weeeeee . . . its perfect. Thanks big guy. And MJ I once again say you be the master ------------------ Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon - Pink Floyd Those times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrafice. You sacrafice the things you love. I love my guitar - Jimi Hendrix
. ------------------ "I've never been sigged." - PsychoticIckyThing "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM
The new avatar looks wonderful Prox! . ------------------ I keep on rollin'...*deep (Hmpf) voice* baby Duke on! Steak for two for one...for me...Dominic!