Thumbnail linking not working..

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by adithya, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. adithya

    adithya Regular Member

    See this post
    i uploaded the software screenshot in imageshack and posted the thumbnail here...
    Clicking the thumbnail should open the full image but it is not happening ....
    I think the image highlight feature has caused this trouble...
    Any way to overcome it...?
  2. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    I'm not having any issues with it. It maximizes the image according to your window size.
  3. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    wait i see what you mean. see the problem is that image shack uses a .th.gif on the end of all there graphics. I must install a fix to remove the .th in the image name. thanks for bringing that to my attention.
  4. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    ok it's been fixed.
  5. adithya

    adithya Regular Member

    i checked it....and it's working...thanks :)
  6. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    glad this issue has been resolved...was hoping that it would be something simple...

  7. nightlinker

    nightlinker Regular Member

    no problem that cant be resolve :D :D
  8. rangana

    rangana Regular Member

    How did you fix it Adam??.. :-?

    PHP strip isn't it :D...or something far on my wits :)
  9. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    Well here was the original code I had to handle imageshack files:

        // Function to convert strings with .th .jpg inside to .jpg
        function highstan($var1)
           if (strpos($var1,".th .jpg") === false)
              //do nothing
              $var1 = str_replace(".th .jpg",".jpg",$var1);
           return $var1;
    Then as adithya pointed out, imageshack has .jpg,.gif and .png so here is the modified code:

    // Function to convert strings all imagshack extensions
            function highstan($var1)
               if  (!(strpos($var1,".th.jpg") === false))
                  $var1 = str_replace(".th.jpg",".jpg",$var1);
               if  (!(strpos($var1,".th.gif") === false))
                  $var1 = str_replace(".th.gif",".gif",$var1);
               if  (!(strpos($var1,".th.png") === false))
                  $var1 = str_replace(".th.png",".png",$var1);
               return $var1;
    Not to difficult.
  10. rangana

    rangana Regular Member

    Not indeed :D

    ....Thanks for sharing though :)
  11. thedudleys

    thedudleys Regular Member

    which knew that i what the difference was in the coding as we have no programming or js coding knowledge...

  12. spinky.jones

    spinky.jones Regular Member

    well the thumbnail now is working pretty well.. :D

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