What do you set yours to on your forum or do you leave it at default? We currently have ours set to 25 mins.
One of the reasons ours is set low is because there is some very sneaky people out there wanting a link. What they do is post genuinely for a few weeks and go back editing their posts which are dead and gone to links to their sites. Having it low helps prevent that
Yep, we keep our post editing times to 2 minutes. Not only for sneak users, but also those self destructive ones where they get upset and leave the community.
Thread editing time on both forums are set to default. What is the benefit to having a custom one? Just for sneaky users?
Yeah, I would say so. It simply depends on the members that make up the community. A community with troubled members is more likely to be much stricter than one that has well-behaved members.
I see, I see. So for on a forum as Setsou Design and Discuss Life, a custom one can be helpful, in case members find a better title for the thread, or one that describes the content within the thread? Note, the members on both sites are pretty good. I haven't had any problems.
Normally, I would just leave it at the default until 1) a member requests for the time to be extended or 2) a member abuses the ability to edit thread titles and posts.
wow i never thought of this... we had a guy that made a couple good DIYs and then a month later got pissed off and deleted all his posts...(by editing them)... i just changed my settings to 30 mins... if anyone needs more than that all my members know im totally involved and can p.m. me anytime...
I honestly don't feel the need to restrict the amount of time allowed for editing. If a member chooses to edit their post and/or remove something from a previous post made, I see no problem with this as long as there is an explanation for doing so (i.e. leaving a brief message describing the edit). If this is abused, then I'll of course take steps to resolve such a problem.
I'll never post or submit content to a forum once they limit the edit time as I submit sets of graphics with the threads constantly being updated and added to so it's vital for me for a forum to allow unlimited period. You do get sneaky people but at the same time you have to consider the genuine people who are trustworthy because once you lose a good contributor you've missed out on quality content. I have dead links on my forum and it is annoying. I just eventually remove the threads.
It really would depend on the situation. If the issue can be isolated to one particular member, I'd take care of them personally. If the issue were more widespread, I may consider enabling some sort of time restriction.
Editing time is still unlimited. I did once have a disgruntled member change all his posts to gibberish (except for the links to his site, interestingly enough). I locked his account and converted them back. He's the only person who has abused this feature.