Thoughts on new Advertisement

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by DriveHosting, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

  2. Dillon Lawrence

    Dillon Lawrence Regular Member

    Looks a little unprofessional. Also, I'd change the font to something more reasonable.
    ragtek likes this.
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    I would agree about the font. The whole point of advertising is to attract people and make it easy for them, some of the font is weird and so will make some people turn away.

    Something?? at $21 cannot read so go elsewhere is what a lot will think.
  4. Dillon Lawrence

    Dillon Lawrence Regular Member

    Big al made some good points. It also doesn't seem to match the rest of your site's design. Confused branding/brand identity is never a good idea.
    Big al likes this.

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