Thoughts about promotion forums?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Fatih, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Fatih

    Fatih Regular Member

    There are way too many out there now. People who want members on their website make these forums for some quick forum fun. They usually die down, and people move on to new ones.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Very true indeed. They pop like flowers, theres a new one every single hour. Very annoying.
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I agree. The art of creating promotion forums has gotten really old really fast. I like promotion forums because they can be very beneficial, especially if you're just starting out and want to learn the basics of owning a forum But really, like in real life, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and this is the case with promotion forums. Just because someone says that you should make your forum a certain niche does NOT mean that the first conclusion you jump to should be promotion forums. You should only do a promo forum if you feel you truly have a passion for helping other Webmasters and forum owners out with their sites. Promo forums are probably more serious than any other genera of forums out there because it's like running a business: You're providing services to help people succeed with running their own site. If you can't do that, maybe you should try something easier that doesn't take a whole lot of work, because from my understanding, a promotion forum is way more time and energy consuming than just about any other genre out there. The only one I can come up with that would be more consuming than a promo forum would probably be an RPG forum, as those take quite a bit of work as well, so I'd say those two generes are neck in neck.
  4. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    It's just a phase people go through, knowing that FP is successful, they just want a piece of that success to call their own. However, that usually just backfires when they realise how much time they actually take
    Kaiser likes this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I have to agree, and the majority of them start it on free forum hosts, thats another reason why they dont take off.
  6. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    well that in itself is a lie, after all FP did start on, and if you are on the right free forum host, you can offer just as much as all the others on advanced hosting.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I know, but that was along time ago, these people just start them and dont have the time, and then usually forget about it or give up.
  8. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    At the time FF was the right kind of choice to use as a free forum host as it had lots of customisations available, however now it's not but my point still stands, as there are those select few free forum hosts that you can fully make advantage of to make a promotion forum. All you need is time & patience.
    Kaiser likes this.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I agree, and thats what they lack.
  10. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Admin forums are the future of Promotional forums tbh.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Not really but if it is, im lucky i started mine along time ago...
  12. MW3Forum

    MW3Forum Regular Member

    I advertise on them whenever I can get the chance.
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I only advertise on the ones where I see potential in because there are so many
  14. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    I agree wholeheartedly there are way too many today. Some in ridiculous fashion too. All different softwares. It's the new faze in the foruming business. It's the only "idea" that is sure bring lots of members but since there are so many out there. They usually all go down the toilet if they aren't run with a goal in mind and determination.
    Kaiser likes this.
  15. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I used to advertise on every last one that looked interesting, but now I only advertise on certain ones. With a few exceptions, many of these newer ones never last. I'm probably only active on about 4 promotion forums anymore. Really, it's just not worth it to register on all these new ones only to have them go down a month later.
  16. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    Not really. Admin Forums were around for a lot longer, and are generally have been a lot more mature as well.
  17. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    What are the difference between Admin Forums and Promotion forums, aside from the fact that one offers services and the other just useful resources?
  18. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    I think you said it best yourself. ;)
  19. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thats what makes it different. Admin Forums are very very different, I dont want to name each and every single thing why.
  20. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    I think admin forums also offer greater opportunity for people to become more long-term posters; it seems like (unless you're reviewing forums), promotion forums such as Forum Promotion are often used for posting your forums, staying active for a little while, and then moving on when your site's active. With admin forums, you can always pick up tips on improving your site, sharing stories, asking for advice, etc.
    Kaiser likes this.

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