Is there anyone who can help me set up a Joomla CMS, apparently it's supposed to be easy, easy as in WTF ! I have it installed, I have a theme installed and I've managed to get an article published. Here are the problems I'm having difficulty in teaching myself : Setting up menu's Adding modules to the various positions allowed, ( do I need a plugin?) All the themes are very narrow, is there something I'm missing to make them fluid ? And loads of other stuff I can't remember right now !
God luck. I tried to get it running to replace Wordpress for my blog and gave up. Some say it's the easiest thing to setup and manage.
Same as, I installed Joomla and after 30 minutes looking at admin cp settings removed it. Too much involved. WordPress spoils you because it's so easy to configure fast and do things with ease.
I'm thinking of doing the same thing, two days now, and I can't even get the Menu's looking the way I want them to.
I had been working with Joomla quite a bit recently. My client had me replace his WP install with it and swore up and down it was better. I told him my Joomla knowledge was very outdated (2008-ish) and limited at that. "You'll pick it right up" he tells me. Yeah, fat chance of that happening. I would up telling him go back to WP or I'm billing you for all the time I spend chasing my tail with Joomla in the future. Usually, I don't charge for 'learning time' if it's something I may use in the future. We're now using Boot Strap the gateway sites and WP for the main site. Joomla may well be the best thing since sliced bread BUT if you don't understand it's logic, and I don't, you're screwed.
Do you still need help? lemme know I can do so.. And I agree Joomla has a rather large learning curve due to the way everything is separated and such. It is usually easier to use a plugin on Joomla than to do it manually
I wanted to get away from WP, so thought Joomla would be the next best alternative, to be honest, I can't see that I will be able to use it effectively, even if someone helped me to set it up, if I can't make even the bloody menu's work there really isn't any there !
I have to agree with whose of you saying that Joomla is not easy..... you are absolutely right. Developers of Joomla should (and are strongly advised to) re-think their strategy and make things easier for everyone..... Joomla admin CP is one big WTH....... as an example: adding & customizing menu..... nightmare. Many more examples here...... Using Joomla one may get an impression that it is being developed for advanced users - not for newbies..... Should be corrected ASAP.....
I have to agree with the above I have tried to use joomla a couple of times and found it a nightmare to work out so gave up, I think I found concret 5 a much easier learning curve.