There's even another theme you can select to even remove the sidebar from the forums. Use that skin if you want even less ads. Maybe it's because I'm in the Premium usergroup, but there's not hardly any ads anywhere and no I have no ad-blocker on for AA.
really it isn't bad at all, the only one i personally found annoying was the one in the navbar but only because it took away too much room on the fixed width style. If it was a fluid style there wouldn't have been any issue at all
Ive never had one problem with them, people should get used to websites having ads, they help pay towards keeping the place running, it is hardly as if theyre going towards the admins' next holiday. Theyre keeping the site up with the money for you to enjoy and seek advice on. I will gladly see them and click them for AA, maybe the minority that opposes them should too.
Or one could spend a few bucks a support the site. We all know what it costs run one of these and we know Nick ain't getting rich off us. Just sayin...