These Advertisements

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Randy, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Randy

    Randy Adept

    I want to state my opinion or as some would call 'constructive criticism.' Now I know that I barely ever come here but every time that I come around I see more and more ads, I just turned on my 'Anti-Banner' to block Google ads on all sites now, usually i don't mind having it on to support forums but honestly how many adverts do you need? You say that all the money goes back to AA but what is it going towards? I never see any changes anymore besides more ads. To be flat out I think you are selling out :mad2:. I see many banner ads on the side that are affiliate links, but who is getting all the money? You have to be making quite lots of money from all these annoying ads and what not. Now the 468x60 and 125x125 that are private advertisements and not like Google ads or affiliate links.

    Sure I get that the USA is in a recession but if its because you have money issues that you add all these adverts then why not get rid of the dedicated server. Why not downgrade to say a VPS or even a reseller. There are plenty of hosts that would be able to work with you and find a good amount of bandwidth that would work.

    That is my opinion and I am sure that there are a few other members here that would agree with me.


    EDIT: I cant even view a thread with my anti-banner on because there are soo many adverts. So until there gone I guess I am too, Cheero.
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I respect your opinion, but you are rather wrong in your assumptions, and it is fairly easy for me to take offense from your implications.

    More ads? The only ads we ever add are on the sidebar, and the Sponsors section on the forum index. It can't possibly get more intrusive each time.

    Then for the FIRST time, we add Google AdSense ads in just the threads (a discreet link unit below the first and tenth post in a thread) and in the footer. It can't honestly be that bad - just two locations.

    Selling out? How much money do you think we are making? Because it's not enough to pay the bills without having to dig into our personal pockets.

    Affiliates - I wish we were getting as rich as you think. Of all the affiliate links we have, we've made two sales - which haven't even completely processed yet. They are both through HostGator, if that interests you.

    Otherwise, we sell the private advertisements for CHEAP.

    That's what we used to be on, and it couldn't handle our activity. Chris does a good job of maintaining a suitable environment for our needs.


    We have made ZERO profits, we haven't pocketed a SINGLE penny, everything IS put back into AdminAddict.

    Do you want to see us improve AdminAddict and our resources with premium modifications and add-ons? Guess what? Those cost money.
    Would you like to eventually see a new custom theme on AdminAddict? That costs money (a lot of it, if I must say).
    Would you like AA to eventually be upgraded to vB 4.0? As I'm sure you know, that costs money as well.
    What about maintaining a server that satisfies our needs? Would you rather spend five minutes per page load on a shared server?

    Seriously, changes and improvements to AA don't happen on a daily, weekly, or monthly (and sometimes not even a yearly) basis. Things take time, and they cost money.

    I just don't see how the ads are that annoying. I get that the one in the navbar was annoying, but I removed it after less than 24 hours.
    3 people like this.
  3. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Don't forget the cool prizes you gave away a while back too!

    Honestly, you are asking and explaining, instead of shoving it down our throats. Another site I visit makes look good and they are being quite mean about increasing the level of ads even higher.

    Simply let people know what their options are for turning off the ads (premium membership), in a nice way, like you always do.
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Good point! Our first contest alone was at least $500 in prizes! :cool:

    Indeed. I'm just a bit stressed right now with so many things going on. Everything seems to be falling apart around me, and I'm trying my best to maintain it all.

    And for the record, I disclosed way more information than I would have liked to, in my previous post. It's really not public information, but I cannot stand to have false assumptions being made.
  5. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    164 dont really get rich off ads..try
  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Maybe your browser is spontaneously injecting advertisements everywhere, or you are exaggerating, because I honestly am not experiencing whatever it is that you are.

    There are no more than three advertisements on any thread (one after the first post, one after the tenth post, and the one in the header).
    You must not visit any other website on the Internet; most I see have way more advertisements than here.
  7. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    You are doing great Nick, I mean that.

    A time like this is when I find multiple test accounts to be quite useful, to test permissions and what people see.
  8. Webmist

    Webmist Champion


    Don't worry Nick we don't hold it against you. Have a drink on me!.
  9. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    I guess I've kinda got use to them. I don't pay attention and my blocker blocks most out. I only get a few words here and there.
  10. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Thanks; Love the parrots! :D
  11. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Nick, there is nothing too horrible being displayed other than the 'drug rehab' type of ads due to the forum name "Addict" being what it is. But, the ads within the posts are actually not bad at all and only the one in the navbar is very obvious. I am fine with the ads as they are displayed now.
  12. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    I don't see a problem with the ads. The site needs to make some kind of income and i can respect that if the content and atmosphere is welcoming which it has been. you scould have a 100 ads and it wouldn't bother me and to be honest the new ad (now gone) seriously wasn't that distracting.
    5 people like this.
  13. Tex

    Tex Adept

    No problems here, very well placed.
  14. Randy

    Randy Adept

    Little money in ads? Ha I make about $1,000 a month just in Google ads on some friends forums that all goes back to them..

    As for those sites that you visit with tons of Ads, you should find new websites. I visit about 20 sites because they contain everything i need and most of them contain NO Google Ads that are intrusive.

    You probably do not experience the same issue as me because I do not run your average ad blocker. I have a complete internet security suite that has it for me which is very strict on google ads because they are usually irrelevant to the subject at hand.
  15. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I have 13 advertisements in this one thread, which aren't really annoying - mostly because they are after a post.

    And then the one at the footer, I never go there.

    I think you're asking for too much, Randy. Use Firefox and get AdBlocker Plus - all of them will poof... magically.
  16. Rocket 442

    Rocket 442 Ambitious, but Rubbish

    Well you're just amazing then ehh?

    Is that what you wanted to hear? :lol:
  17. Gordie

    Gordie Adept

    It's funny that you say all that and then don't mind advertising YOUR hosting service in your signature...

    Can you spell hypocrite?

    I don't know whether Nick makes any money here or not, but I think he deserves too. There's a lot of work that goes into running a message board, so I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to make a few bucks, at the very least it would hopefully be nice if they didn't have to do all the work and then shell out money at the end of the month.

    By the way, please let us all know when you've got a free hosting offer going.

    Have a nice day. :)
  18. Mikey


    I don't see ANY ads.. :/
  19. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Where the hell does he specifically advertise

    Can you spell rude?

    Since when the hell does suggesting a downgrade on a server means that coincidentally because the member has a hosting site they are promoting them? So now you're going to tell me every time I say I don't like a graphic means I'm promoting myself?
  20. Mikey


    OMG You didn't like my gfx much!! THAT MEANS YOU MUST BE PROMOTING YOUR OWN!!! (j/k btw)

    That's sarcasm, btw, I completely get what FMB is trying to say, I can't see him advertising his hosting service really, probably cos I have sigs disabled... etc.

    BTW, get adblockplus for firefox if the ads really bug you, I just realised I saw no ads cos of it being enabled (don't worry, disabled it upon AA again now), how embarrassing :rolleyes:

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