theezy here

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Joe., May 31, 2009.

  1. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    Hi all. I am theezy. :yes:
    Nice to meet you all.
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Howdy, theezy! Welcome to AdminAddict. :)
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hi Theezy, welcome to the community. :cool:
  4. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    :hello: and welcome to AA theezy! :D

    Your avatar is makin' me hungry!
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    It looks like that strawberry was freshly dipped into the chocolate.
  6. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Hello Travis, welcome to AdminAddict; glad to cya around!

    Note to all; Travis is running phpBB and SMF on his forums; so we have to watch our mouths. :lol:

    Note to Travis; AdminAddict has this glue that they magically put on your seat. It's a mixture of Elmer's Glue and Gorilla Glue. If you are finding yourself not being able to get up, that's probably the reason why. :P -:lol:-

    Another note; Chris M. and I are the resident thread hi-jackers. We love finding shortcuts to take threads off-topic. :rofl:
  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Tom is correct in saying that we are the resident thread hi-jackers. And on another note, if you find yourself glued to your chair, please feel free to send me a message - I have a removal agent.
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    It's about time somebody of this nature makes their way over here. :D
  9. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I am not sure how well that substance can work, though. Even when I make attempts to use it, something is keeping me put. :rofl:


    That wasn't my doing, though. He may have found his way over here via Forum Advertiser or somebody may have referred him.
  10. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    It's good to see that we're attracting members that use something other than both Invision Power Board and vBulletin. :)
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    However it happened, he's now here. :woohoo:
  12. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    You can say that again...

    :rofl: - Rock on!
  13. John

    John Regular Member

    Hello and welcome here. Hope you enjoy AdminAddict. Its an wonderful forum to be on.
  14. bree623

    bree623 Newcomer

    Hey Travis, welcome to "AdminAddict"

    Just an FYI, I run a vB, SMF, Zetaboard and last but not least IPB forum.
  15. Bandit

    Bandit Addict

    Hey Theezy, Good to see you here mate.
  16. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    A little late, but welcome to the AA community. I look forward to seeing you around. :)
  17. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    Thanks people. :lol:

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