We've all used free hosting in ourt time of being webmasters, back then I used so many, the worst I would say is 000webhost, there support is horrible, and they suspend your accounts/websites once you get popular.
Definitely. I had more errors, downtime and support tickets open with 000 then I have had with every other host combined.
Yep, 000webhost is just horrible. I had this one other host that was really really bad, and they dissapeared haha.
000webhost is god awful. I am surprised they haven't shut down because of violating some federal law against crapy hosting lol.. I only use them to host one website, and it isn't popular, I just need it to be there. Bad free forum hosts are: FreeForums (FOR SURE), forumotion, createmybb or something like that and one other Bad free hosts are: 000webhost and pretty much every over night p2h web hosting company.
My worst one was also my very first host and that was Lycos, moved to Geocities from there. That was 11 years ago. Been paying for hosting ever since. Best learning experience was the year I hosted myself out of our back bedroom. Had great uptime too as I only had one unplanned outage....one of my cats joggled the plug out of the wall to one of the main power strips. Outage lasted three hours as I was asleep when they did it.
Yea I had one of my really old sites shutdown by x10 long time ago for using alot of cpu which really wasnt that much.
to name a few that I've used: 000webhost & Fi.ST (closed). I also remember trying a third free host, that in the end I couldn't use because they did'nt support WordPress installations
Only because they were not listening to their clients, and decided to demote me for no reason, and ban my friend, who started the host up, I just went there to help because I refused to use/support a host that would ban/demote staff for telling the truth
I remember, to be honest they all die eventually like soon sitefrost bought fi.st and other p2host companies, and now sitefrost stopped their p2h, and the forum is completely dead. Paid hosting in the end always lasts.
SiteFrost & Fi.ST were owned by the same person, I reckon Fi.ST was just a branch off from SiteFrost, and when the renewal fees came up, he merged Fi.ST back into SiteFrost.