can sumone tell me how to make the word "sticky" bold and blue? I know it can be done, i've seen it on another site. thanks!
I am going to guess you are referring to a vB board... My guess would be that it is in the stylesheet.... its in the threadbit template sumwhere....i just don't know what kinda code to use...
I would think you could just go to the phrase manager in the admincp and edit the sticky phrase to something like: HTML: <b><span style="color: blue">Sticky</span></b>
^ Of course all of the above would work, but I suspect it's something he will change only once, so it's not really necessary to go through the trouble to define it in a CSS class.
What's the advantage of this vs. using <b></b>? Just curious, is it more efficient or something else?
<b> is a presentational element, basically meaning "make this bold". <strong> is a structural element, meaning "read/render this with strong emphasis," which some browsers then make bold. I prefer <strong> over <b> and <em> over <i>. I'm not sure if <b> is deprecated or anything though. See: <b> vs. <strong> - <i> vs. <em> and: <em> vs.<i> and <strong> vs. <b> - HTML / CSS answers
Yeah, <i>, <b>, <font> and all those old tags that style the page are archaic nowadays. Always try to use a tag that describes what you're trying to show with the content (semantics :heart.
so i should replace this? $vbphrase[sticky_thread] with <span style="color:blue; font-weight:bold">Sticky</span>
I'd suggest you (again) to use <strong class="sticky_color">Sticky</strong> and then add .sticky_color{color: blue} to your CSS. SEs will know that text have some sort of a bit more importance, and by using a CSS class, you can simply modify it later on for any theme you use. EDIT: I'm not sure about what $vbphrase[sticky_thread] retrieves, so I'd try what happends with <strong class="sticky_color">$vbphrase[sticky_thread]</strong> (for more language support).
Combus, $vbphrase[sticky_thread] is the variable for 'Sticky:'. In the phrase manager you could change that to anything. I have it on Pisoga as 'Nebai~' (means sticky in Jap)
ohh thanks for confirming that Then <strong class="sticky_color">$vbphrase[sticky_thread]</strong> should work nicely