The power of networking

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by Nick, May 15, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    A couple of minutes ago, Kevin Tweeted our "high-earning AdSense position" thread. I re-tweeted it about 30 seconds later.

    30 more seconds later and we have quite a few visitors reading that thread. All within a minute of the first Tweet:

  2. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Wow, that is indeed impressive. Especially if they took the time to join us.
  3. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    How did you tweet it?
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Either clicking the little Twitter button below each individual post or using the "AddThis" button on the toolbar above the first post. :)
  5. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Oh I see what your saying. I thought you meant like you didnt something cool with twitter, you just clicked a button. Nice man. Did you manually add that twitter button? And if so can you hook a brother up with the code :D
  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Which one? The ones below the posts are a feature of vBSEO. The AddThis button can be acquired here: AddThis - Get Your Button
  7. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    The code to manually add twitter. Yeah I figured you just added it into the vbseo. But where did you get the code to do it?
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Ahh, I see what you're asking. :)

    Here's the code to add the Twitter button in vBSEO:
    Code: %20 %url%,images/vbseo/twitter.png,Twitter,Twitter
    And of course, feel free to download and use the Twitter icon that we have here. :)
  9. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff


    Yeah when a post gets tweeted it can get some really good traffic, nd like Savage said, if they actually joined it would be awesome ;)
  10. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Too bad none of them did. :p
  11. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Yeah now all I need is tweet people LOL
  12. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Just thought I would let you know that the code you posted doesnt work once you make a tweet. It goes to the thread and then does a wierd redirect to nowhere
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hmm... that sounds odd. You mean you're redirected to nowhere when you click the link on Twitter?
  14. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    When you click the link on twitter. It sends you to the post, but after a second it redirects to showthread and nothing is there..
  15. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    It doesn't do that for me. Which tweet are you clicking? Can you link to the specific status entry (click the time, i.e. "about two hours ago")?
  16. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

  17. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    That certainly is odd. The only thing I can suggest is consulting the vBSEO support forum as it works fine for me.

    Also, how did you get it to convert to a URL on-the-fly?
  18. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    I fixed it. If you are using

    Replace post number link with Permalink
    Will replace individual showpost links with the "Permalink" link. Note: Posts will no longer be accessible individually.

    You cant link to a post...DUH LOL
  19. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    That worked fine for me...went right to the post and stays there. I even whistled a little song waiting for something to happen :/
  20. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Ummmm It does that for me...I guess because I am logged in when doing it? I dont know

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