Now that the major parts are done, software change to IPB and articles moved to IP.Content, the it's time to implement the rest of my plan. First on the list is to re-organize and streamline the forum structure. This will take some time with renaming some forums, removing some forums and moving posts around. I like consistency in all my communities so some of this is adapted from the same structure I use on all of them. This what I have in mind for the final structure. New Member at Admin Addict? Announcement New Member Introductions Community Management General Community Discussions Planning Your Community Community Organization Member and Staff Management Moderator Zone Admin Zone Security and Legal Advertising and Marketing Search Engine Optimization Marketing and Finance Social Networking Skinning, Design and Graphics Free Graphics Graphics Requests Designer Showcase Software and Hosting Community Forum Software vBulletin IPB xenForo myBB phpBB SMF Domains, Hosting and Servers Blog, Wiki and CMS The Market Place Buy, Sell, or Trade Scripts and Program Domains Websites Content Admin Addict Connect Community Lounge Water Cooler Community Showcase and Reviews Community of the Month Webmaster Lounge Bugs, Feedback and Suggestions Testing Zone As you can see I have added a couple forums, renamed a few and added a couple. Once this phase is complete it will be time to concentrate on the posting contest, prize giveaways and community of the month. I also have to get staff in place. This will take some time to get to that point. I have a set timeline on getting everything going. Of course timelines can be altered so I will keep it to myself. Finally any thoughts on the new structure?
I would say to add woltlab to the cfs too, it's a nice piece of software, not so any use it but it's good.