the most haunted forum

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by BananaQueen, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Forum URL:

    Forum Name: The Most Haunted Forum

    Launch Date: 10th May 2010

    Posts/Threads/Members: posts:6000 threads:689 members:160

    Forum Software: phpbb

    Description: the most haunted forum is a forum for fans of most haunted, and people who are interested in the paranormal :ghost:

    Other Info/Points of Interest: every friday night the chat room is open for everyone to come and chat in, it gets very busy in there :rofl: we recently had a halloween party, with competitions, and it was fun :) im thinking of doing interviews with people who are important in the paranormal world, to post on the forum :)
  2. Solace

    Solace Newcomer

    I like it, it's especially good since Halloween just ended.
  3. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    thank you :) :ghost:

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