I love these threads - take the test(s) and post your results. Speakeasy - Speed Test Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test 19681 upload / 4396 download (Speakeasy)
Download: 9.46 Mb/s Upload: 1.14 Mb/s Ping: 16 ms But I have a crappy provider. Second try gives me 1.18 Mb/s as download speed.
I am not sure what you mean. Just go to one of the websites and pick the server closest to where you live. After that, let it do the test and post your results.
Speakeasy says: Download: 29,745 kilobits/second Upload: 1871 kilobits/second DSL in the area is still at 768 kilobits/second download and there are no fiber services. Guess who everyone goes through for Internet.
I did, I am disappointed on myself... I checked the first day Tyler posted this... My internet speed makes me...nauseous...
Download Speed: 3252 kbps (406.5 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 437 kbps (54.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Wow, a lot slower than I thought
What is it with these people? This is not acceptable - as addicts of this community, it is a must for all of you to have fast speeds and no slowness in any way, shape, or form!
:o mP3 fiLES (5mB) 2 mIN vIDEO cLIP (35mB) 16 mIN mOVIE (800mB) 369 mIN <- dOWNLOADS e-MAIL aTTACHMENT (1 mB) 3 mIN pHOTO gALLERY (8mB) 22mIN vIDEO cLIP (35mB) 98 miN <-uPLOADS
My speed is much lower than a lot of yours, but I don't understand why; my internet is blazing fast. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I'm connected wirelessly to the router. Something must not be right though because Speakeasy's results are different: Download: 6.94 Mb/s Upload: 2.40 Mb/s
Wow, Nick. I use Comcast as well and it is indeed blazing fast as you mentioned. The speed originally posted earlier in this thread (by me) is actually slower than what it usually is. Could be due to the fact that you are connected via a wireless connection.
Yeah, I'll have to try it out on the master PC that is hardwired in and see if that makes a difference.