The Geek District

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Mikey, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. Mikey


    The Geek District is a general geeky/technology community. I've recently changed things up by removing the portal, adding a new style and making things more streamlined.

    Please let me know what you think :)
    Trombones13 and Brandon like this.
  2. Preemo

    Preemo Regular Member

    I really like your header, it's actually brilliant. Also, with more content, I think your forum could be awesome!

    Good luck!
    Mikey likes this.
  3. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Love the little guy in the logo, bit too much green for me though.
    Mikey likes this.
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I really like the logo too, did you have that done or did you make it?
    Nice work!
    Mikey likes this.
  5. Mikey


    I never thought the content was much of an issue :(
    A friend made the logo for me. It's really good, stuck with us since the IPB days all the way to XenForo :)
    Brandon likes this.
  6. Preemo

    Preemo Regular Member

    I just mean with more of it, as I believe no forum ever has "enough content" - I didn't mean the content was poor or anything.

    Sorry if you misunderstood me, but yes, I really like the forum! :)
    Mikey likes this.
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