The forums you own

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by LSUguy, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. LSUguy

    LSUguy Regular Member

    I assume everyone here owns forums or websites. What kind of sites do you have? I myself have 2 currently going 1 for Bodybuilding and 1 for LSU sports. I am currently opening another, a Saints forum. Lets hear what kinds things you guys have.
  2. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I think NBC has "whodat" under copyright. So be careful with that ;) I am pretty sure no one can even say it on TV anymore...

    I have a general forum. A link shortening site. I also had an Image hosting site...and a few other things going :)
  3. LSUguy

    LSUguy Regular Member

    LOL. It's funny in the past 42 years the NFL never complained then comes our first SB appearance and the NFL tries to bully us with cease and desist orders. LOL. They showed their greed but backed down when our Sen. threatened them back. LOL.
  4. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Yeah I thought it was outrageous when I heard that. Now a days though I can believe it...everyone is out for theirs. People suck lol
  5. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    Graphics Forum, Music Forum, General Forum, AllSoftwareDev forum (all forum softwares running from the same db) and then I am mod at a lot of general forums and some admin forums too :)
  6. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Webmaster forums =]
  7. ChopSuey

    ChopSuey Regular Member

    vBulletin forum
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Most of the contributors may own forums, but once I get the next few databases merged in, will will be the minority ;)

    I have 2 atm
    this vb one and a IPB one
  9. LSUguy

    LSUguy Regular Member

    LOL oh joy newbie heaven again. Gotta love'em. I'm getting all giddy the closer it gets to Sunday. Man it feels like x-mas eve when I was 5. :D
  10. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    I refuse to be a newbie :D We will just fake it LOL

    I own... ummm let me think..... one community admin forum, one book forum which is in development, an airsoft forum which I run for my other half (but is switched off currently) and a local community forum. :D Then on top of the forums I have 3 blogs!
  11. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    I've never heard of that :O
  12. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

  13. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    That'll be because it's still a very local community and still in development. I'll throw a link to you once it's in a position to see something :D
  14. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I own 3 Disney-related forums (2 vB & 1 IPB), 2 Music-related forums and a fan site forum. I have another license that was going to be used for a 4th Disney forum, but I've decided to hold off because I'm working on 10 Twitter-related sites as well as a couple of Wordpress blogs/sites that are still being tweaked. :)
  15. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Wow that's a lot of Disney websites you have there. Why not combine them all into one :-/
  16. LSUguy

    LSUguy Regular Member

    I was thinking the same thing.
  17. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Yeah, you'd have a mega post count then =P
  18. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Actually, I started with and I have an advertiser that is the "official travel sponsor" of the site. So, now I'm a Disney travel agent in her company and created a 2nd forum to generate traffic to my own 'sponsored' forum. The 3rd Disney forum is my first IPB forum that I converted over from a social networking script. So, that's how all of that happened :)
  19. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Arny is the King of Disney

    and ps.. I'm done to this one and only forum :)
    I have a few blogs still and will always have those
  20. zander

    zander Regular Member

    I'm currently working on two fresh projects. One, a local regional forum; the other, an ancient mysteries type. Going to have a good time on both. :)

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