The Chad, and Wtf

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am welcoming myself to this forum, I almost feel at home.


    WTF members UNITE!
  2. icka

    icka Regular Member

    how sad
  3. Tai

    Tai Regular Member

    Welcome poopie head :D
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest


    /me cries
  5. icka

    icka Regular Member

    i dont go to wtf for a day and then its gone. no answer or explanation. i blame brit he's always to blame ::giggle::

    i was trying to look for a new message board when i remembered i was a member here :-D
  6. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Good morning Chad!
    Good morning Tai!

    Welcome to the soup :beer:

    Yeah, That's a drama! Is WTF really died?

    Yeah, alot of work for the Prox!
  7. Tai

    Tai Regular Member

    We shall reside here for the time being methinks.
  8. DeVotchKa

    DeVotchKa Regular Member

    I'm sorry for bringing Chad here, abductees.
  9. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    I bet it's an April Fools joke.

    Then again, I bet on Villanova...
  10. DeVotchKa

    DeVotchKa Regular Member

    Closing wtf for a day is not a joke. It's torture.
  11. polaris_nine

    polaris_nine Regular Member

    well i guess the only thing to say here is...

  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It is torture... PURE torture
  13. jane

    jane Regular Member

    jeeze guys, lets not over stay our welcome! this is aliensoup NOT wtf. so lets go easy on the wtf talk...and enjoy the soup! :D

    /me likes the soup
  14. Wookie

    Wookie Regular Member

    /me steals everyone's soup

    mmmm, alien soup. good, and good for you. but not as filling as wtfries.
  15. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Hi Chad and Tai and welcome to Alien soup.
  16. Base1984

    Base1984 Regular Member

    No better place than to start the koolaide business than for Chad to be the first to have a swig.

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