If KAM's lives are ruined it will be 100% their own fault. Not mine or anyone else's. I dont see anyone criticizing the fanboys for wishing vB to fail and go out of business. Start pointing out how they are rotton too Peg. Actually, I started a new site at that time. I wasnt MIA at all except when my mother passed away. And then, I was only MIA for about 2 weeks and had people around to pick up the slack and nearly none of my members noticed anything was amiss. Furthermore, KAM could jump into the Xen forums at anytime and explain there are personal issues that are slowing the development process, and people most likely would understand that. But they dont. They allow all this speculation to occur. So, they deserve whatever bad PR they get.
What about the fact, KAM constantly let customers post slander about vBulletin on XenForo in that court case thread? One which is publicly readable by any guest visitors, with the developers never stepping in telling people to keep things civil and leave out all vBulletin slander. Instead they always allow it to happen, encouraging it even. So they're just as bad as the people posting it, because they have the power to remove it and don't. Or anyone for that matter having lots to say about XF here or anywhere else. All KAM do is hide behind customers, letting them say it for them by allowing it to take place on XF. Then making sure it's listed on a public forum search engines can index and guests coming can read. About time people woke up, instead of acting like KAM are innocent bystanders all the time. They could move that court case thread onto a customer only forum if wanting too, but they don't for a good reason. This thread is really no different in that respect - from that court case thread on XF. There's more slander posted in that about vBulletin from people, than there is any listed here about XenForo. At least we try and talk about it, half the time all I'm reading in that court case thread is "HATE JIBES" said by people about vBulletin. It's not even discussion most of the time, just pure "I hate vBulletin" nonsense, and I'll worship ye XF till the cows come home.
Indeed it does. But there is no excuse for not informing paying customers. Otherwise you can potentially ruin their businesses too.
KAM - are not stupid, they know what they are doing keeping silent is doing the company no good at all. So you have to ask then, why on earth do they keep doing it on purpose? What possible reason could there be for that? Maybe Bob hit the nail on the head before in what he said.
That's the view many are now taking. And there are now many known cases of conversions back to vBulletin. I daresay there are even more converting to Invision. And the XF team must be aware of this, but don't appear to care. I would therefore say it is very likely that it's all over.
Well it looks that way, expect most will go the route of using the new IPB 4 coming out soon, unless vBulletin 5 is a completely new forum product (and not just another vB3/4 rewrite) offering something new to temp them back IB's way. KAM, might be using what little time they've got left to find alternative jobs, they may already be working them. While taking what cash they can from the XF forum to help them out in the meantime with court case fee's. But everything does point towards it being the end, and think what Bob said sounds like the most plausible answer right now in what might be happening at XF. If that's the case, just wish they'd come clean and say so. Because if Bob's right, and they keep taking cash until one day gone. People will hate them for doing it, they'll lose all credibility for good with everyone. Let's hope that's not the case?
Another thread that will be closed shortly: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/any-good-news-please-help-to-stop-rumors.32341/
Reading it now, check your PM's Mark! Well according to that post Slavik made yesterday to Floren, he's going to let these run now and just remove offending posts. Rather than locking them, so don't see why it should be locked?
Hey guys, I never said that KAM are in the right. You have noticed, I'm sure, that I stepped down as a mod there some time ago... for very good reasons. But reasons that I don't care to, or intend to, make public, although there was more than enough speculation to go around for a good while. I do not agree with everything Kier has done. However, I don't wish any of them ill. and I certainly don't wish to see XF fail... even to sock it to the "fanboys". God that is a stupid name, so childish.
Oh I have. Many, many times. And perhaps if XF does go under it will be their own fault. But I stand by what I said - to sit there and wish them ill, to HOPE that they fail, is indeed in my opinion... rotten. You obviously have not read that thread from the beginning. There are MANY warnings and reprimands about posting ill of VB. MANY posts have been removed as well... which of course caused a big stink because people felt like they were being too tightly moderated. In fact, you posted to that affect on your own now-absent forum, Gary. KAM all have posted in that thread. Read it again.
No idea why you left there Peggy, thought you'd just had enough at the time because some of your friends started to not take you on once becoming a mod there. That's the impression I got anyway? I'm not posting above in reference to you Peggy, I don't have any issues with people disagreeing with me, I'd be an utter hypocrite if I did have. I more than welcome discussion from both sides of the fence, even if I get slated! It's happened a few times in this thread to me already, Brogan being the last person to do and ended up walking away with tail tucked between legs because he has an very hard time taking it back from others like myself.
Some of my friends started to not take me on? Care to explain that please, as I have no idea what you're referring to. As I said, there was quite a bit of speculation about my reasons for stepping down from staff, but I've never said why because frankly, it's no one's business but mine.
Just read you once posting in twitter that some people stopped following you, no longer talking to you after you became a mod at XenForo. Plus I did notice you seemed to stop talking with Shelley and a few others after the time of saying it. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just how things looked at the time. I never read any other speculative reasons for you leaving.
Yep you're wrong. I talked to Shelley before becoming a mod, during my tenure, and after I stepped down. I believe I did post once on Twitter that a person or two had stopped following me, but I didn't say that it ad anything to do with XF, because it didn't.
I'm aware of that Peggy, so in that sense your correct I agree. But all they really wanted to do, was stop zillions of threads spreading across the whole XF forums keep mentioning vB. They wanted it contained in that single court case thread, just the one area. If you go read that thread and what's been posted in it since "what your talking about". You can't exactly say they've enforced that rule since - have they? Far from it otherwise we'd see no vB trash posted in it since from people censored away, it's not been!
I don't know as I haven't read it much since having stepped down from staff. I do know that If KAM had their way, there would be no mention of VB on XF at all. I guess they got tired of having to tell people that over and over again, and just let it go. Can't say I blame them for that. I was beginning to feel like a broken record myself. I absolutely do admit that there have been a lot of mistakes made. No denying that. But I certainly do not wish any of them any ill will.
None of us wish them ill feeling, I own an "active" XenForo license and would like to see XenForo 1.2 arrive still to prove us all wrong. I'll eat my hat if that day comes and will admit I've been completely wrong. But the thing is Peggy, it's wrong what they are doing keeping so quiet anyway telling paying customers nothing proper all this time, it's just not on and they should have more respect for customers than they've shown the last 3 months! Things really shouldn't be this way and they know it. Customers are started to get more agitated at XF I've noticed the 3rd month of Q2 is here now. They want some proper information and it's long overdue coming from them. Is it really that hard for them to give it? You can't blame us the customer for airing our ranting views, even if going over-the-top! It only started in the first place through "their own fault" of ignoring customers and locking threads asking questions, along with other things like them all going AWOL for months. What do you expect is going to happen, that we'll all carry on saying nothing keeping quiet like mice. Some will, but then some won't. Everybody is different, and the ones not keeping their mouths shut get labelled moaners. When in fact we're paying customers entitled to an opinion "like it or not", posted on others sites about us here by others. People can call me every name under the sun, but I'll still have my opinion until they set the record straight. Because I've paid to use XenForo and expect to be kept updated with decent proper information as a result, not treated like I don't even exist, being fed meaningless vague hint droplets.
I absolutely wish them no ill will. I have long said I hope that the lawsuit is dropped or fails quickly, that hasn't changed. I still hope they can make a massive success out of XenForo and become fabulously wealthy as a result. But I have to say it's starting to look unlikely.
Just read this there, and some people wonder why they get labelled "fan-boys" on XenForo? And since when is this now the case? The dev's never had any problem before telling us the (state of play) publicly on the forums for all to read. Why does that person think it's been moved into "Private PM" all a sudden, does he even known what he's talking about? Does he think the staff are now too special to even talk with us on the XF forums anymore?
I tell ya what. One arguement I absolutly love from over there is that of the "x big boards are on xenforo therefore it must be the best" So, then my theory is that phpbb must be the best software out there..... That is quite clear :shrug: Just look at Gaia Community who have a few 100 times the posts of any single forum on xenforo including ign