The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    No, they didn't.
    All that was deleted was a comment about me being unhappy with a few people.

    You really are making yourself look foolish arguing with someone who knows all the facts.
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  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I wasn't aware I WAS arguing with you? So that's why you came here then, for an argument?

    So you know all the facts then, the real truth for KAM playing "hide and seek" with customers. Please tell then, or is that asking too much because it will spoil your little game? If you can't say, then really all your here for is to contradict others all the time, yes (because as you put it, you know)?
  3. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    I'm not playing any games, I'm just making it clear to you that almost all of your comments about me are incorrect.
    No doubt that won't stop you from doing what you've been doing for the past few months.

    It's not for me to post publicly about what has gone on; you will need to speak to Kier, Ashley or Mike.
    2 people like this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Hold on Brogan, think I may have mentioned you about 4 times only (guessing) in posts made here. And anyway, most of what I've said was based on what you've either posted or hint dropped in your profile on XenForo. Your the one who indicated you stepped down from moderating at XF because they wouldn't fill you in on what was going on, while customers was screaming down your neck for information. You cracked under pressure!


    And lets be frank then, it didn't take you 2 seconds afterwards to go running back on XF doing your disgruntled HINT posting stint. So before you start trying to belittle others here like myself, go take a look at some of the stunts you've pulled after stepping down moderating at XF.
  5. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    Is it any wonder you have zero credibility when all you do is ignore facts and make snide remarks?

    I'll leave you to it.
    3 people like this.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Na! just can't take it back can you, then you never could and it always showed on XF. Your not a Mod here, remember that.

    Think I've been civil with you actually Brogan, seeing as you've made it very clear your aim was to target me specifically in all your last posts made here except the first one only. Bye, bye!
  7. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    2 people like this.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    R.A.C :car:
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    But anyway, and moving on to get things back on topic! See Floren is asking some hard questions on XenForo again, why do they keep locking threads there asking valid concerning questions about development?

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  10. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Gentlemen. Debate is fine, just don't make it personal.
  11. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Floren is asking some good questions but that screen grabbed post is a bit out of context as he is getting some good, positive responses from Slavik.

    GTB, I can't see anything can possibly be gained by arguing with Brogan. He is and will probably always be, one step ahead of you because you can never win an argument with someone who knows a lot more than you about the situation. It's a shame he won't fill us in, but whether he is a moderator now or not, and for whatever reasons he left won't change him as a person, he won't suddenly become disloyal or unprofessional. This is why only Kier, Mike or Ashley can give us the information we are seeking.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm not arguing with Brogan, he's the one who came with intentions of doing it with me (not the other way around). But anyway, I'll let Brogan tell you all he knows. Not that it matters anymore what he does, or doesn't know. That's irrelevant! Like Mark.B said, we can see XenForo is finished! So who cares what he knows, it matters not?

    By the way Goerge, how comes you can't even spell your first name correctly? It should be George (like it shows in your profile)? First person I've ever known who can't spell their own name correctly.
  13. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Finished? So this has gone now from a rational discussion to just sweeping statements of doom? If you feel that the company is finished and therefore nothing matters now, why are you still posting? I don't think someone with your viewpoint can contribute anything other than spite now. That's nothing personal GTB, but do bear in mind that someone who thinks "Xenforo is finished" is as blinkered as someone who thinks "There's nothing wrong". What happened to your open mind? I hope it didn't evaporate just because someone didn't agree with you - that would be like fanboi behaviour, wouldn't it?

    I'm beginning to regret getting carried along by you guys and thinking you did care about the product and company. I didn't have the patience or intelligence to stick it out and wait, or the faith to see if Xenforo would recover. Instead I vented my opinion here and in hindsight it's of no help to Xenforo if these threads just turn into one negative doom-laden post after another, thanks to input from people who it seems actually don't give a s**t about anything other than gossip.

    And you have to hand it to Brogan for a majestic example of "divide and conquer".

    We live and learn - every day :)
    3 people like this.
  14. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    I dont think Xenforo has to be "finished" but it is easily on that path. - However, there are plenty of things that could happen to put the product on a positive path again. The only question is if KAM has the ability and drive to do any of them....
    2 people like this.
  15. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    The path is clearly shorter to the end than it is to the beginning. I do think it hasn't gotten to the point of no return yet. It is very close, but, it can be turned around. Really all it would take is for Kier to post a real update with some real information on the dev process over the last few months and a peek into the future.

    Problem is I don't have confidence that he would ever do that. It's far beneath his ego to interact with customers with more than one liners or to post about anything other than himself.
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  16. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Frankly, I'm not sure they have anything positive to report, so that might be part of the reason for the silence.

    It was interesting earlier. I looked at a Xenforo thread about the lawsuit. Someone posted about how the judge has a high appeal turnover rate so an appeal is likely. They didnt seem to consider that an appeal means more lawyer's fees, and if the appeal is successful, then the process goes back to the civil court again for trial.... More lawyer's fees.

    I thought to myself.. KAM have to be dying financially already. I think it is quite possible that there is no development activity because KAM have to take on side jobs to earn money to survive financially, and thus dont have their full time to dedicate to development of the product.

    At what point does KAM decide to cut their losses and run? Or..... Is that what they are already doing?
  17. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Could be it's all a money grab now. Leave it die on it's own while still bringing in a bit of money.

    That would far better explain the lack of information. I've seen it happen before. VirtuaNews is one example. Owner just up and left while unsuspecting customers kept buying licenses. UBB in the end did much the same thing.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member


    You may have a point
  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Really. You'd want Kier and Mike's lives ruined just to shut up the people that y'all incessantly label "fanboys"?
    Wow. That's pretty rotten.
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  20. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    You also got divorced prior to that, and if my memory serves correctly, you were MIA for a while.
    Personal life DOES affect business, like it or not.

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