The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_b937afacdf3ea9b2ac386f6c1ea6a9af.gif ROFL!​
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  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I've now sold my XF licence on from today, so have no stake in the forum software to "warrant me keep airing my strong views" on things. I will still talk normally about things, but I'm done with the bashing rubbish and will be saying much less from here on in.
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  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

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  4. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Ive been seeing alot of xenforo licenses for sale lately...
  5. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Can't say I blame them.
  6. Eric Lyon

    Eric Lyon Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

    My personal feelings on it (Even though I admin a VBulletin based community) is that regardless what happens with the software company Xenforo, as long as your files are not encrypted and fully open source as a condition of your purchase, you can always hire a developer to work on any bug fixes you need and make them part of your team. We have a Tech Support team specifically for that. We are still running on VB 3.8.6 with tons of custom code added. An upgrade to 4.0 would a nightmare of bug fixes, down time, and hair loss for months. It's sometimes easier to just have 1 or 2 people knowledgable or trainable in your code and back-end, Then you never have to worry about whether or not the licensing company folds, sells, or vanishes (Granted its a one time fee / Lifetime license that never expires).

    Though the below License termination agreement from their site is scary:
    The above looks like they can revoke the license requiring you to delete all the software from your server even though you paid for the license. Not sure I'd want to have that in the back of my head trying to sleep at night. To each there own though.

    Eric Lyon
  7. John

    John Regular Member

    You have the same thing at vB...quoted from their license agreement for both versions:
    Hope I didn't cause you to have a bad nights sleep ;)
  8. Eric Lyon

    Eric Lyon Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

    Haha there goes my good nights sleep..... I spaced that one, nice catch... :cheers:
  9. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I'm pretty sure that phrase is in all the paid forum software TOS.
  10. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    in one form or another, I would think so also.
  11. cory_booth

    cory_booth Regular Member


    I'd like to coordinate with you for the purchase of your license.
    I'm in the same boat - except I have an unused VB4 license - should you wish to trade.
    I'll pay the renewal...
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You'll be lucky to be honest, he was offered full price for his expired licence on XenForo by a customer there when arguing before. And he didn't take the offer up after his bluff was called out to get rid of it. Your better sending him a PM about it really.
  13. BullsNet

    BullsNet Regular Member

    Are people really leaving Xenforo over the slow updates or is there more to it?
  14. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    I think its the slow updates, lack of development, lack of advanced features and lack of communication combined with vBulletin getting its act together.
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  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Shame really because XenForo got off to a flying start that first year and things looked very promising then. They was moving forward fast and then everything just suddenly changed. Now 1.1.3 has been released things might be getting back to normal again, hopefully so.

    You need another good paid forum product there to rival IPB and vB, XenForo is still it as long as things pick up with development again.
  16. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    They got off to a fast start because IB was in shambles and the most vocal group of dissenters flocked to xenforo. I said it then and I'll say it again now. Once the rapid influx of disenchanted vbulletin users switched over the growth of xenforo would stagnate. What you're seeing now is this effect. Couple that with the fact IB seems to have got it together and you'll see the growth of xenforo eventually stop completely.

    Maybe that is the reason the xenforo team has went silent. They see that they have a long way to go to be competitive and they might be tired of bleeding money into a product that might never be on par with vbulletin or IPB in both sales and features.
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Don't think most are convinced still with vBulletin 4, even though I'm reading some saying it's made a lot of progress since. I personally don't like that version, mainly because it's just vBulletin 3 is sheep's clothes still (it's not a full rewrite and uses old outdated coding standards), suspect most ex-vBulletin users who fled to XenForo feel that same way still. So I really don't see vBulletin 4 as a threat to XenForo, not unless they are forced to go back using it because XenForo shuts down.

    For me, only vBulletin 5 (if being a total rewrite) can change that view in many people now. If vBulletin 5 is a rewrite and looks good, that could tempt many away from XenForo, even those by the way who flew nest over to IPB. But that will need to happen I feel at vBulletin to gain many customers back that left.

    I'm not a fan-boy of vBulletin or XenForo. Have nothing against either and no longer own a licence for either one. That's how I see it, and have done for a long time, That vBulletin need to bring out a new version that's a total rewrite from ground up to compete as being Number 1 "seriously" again in the forum paid market.
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I flew to IPB during the time and you'll never see me go back to vbulletin. For one thing I am more than happy with IPB and v4 looks to be revolutionary if what they are saying is true.

    I actually moved my biggest site during the time when vbulletin 3 was being developed to Community Server. I saw no future with vbulletin back then. For those that remember vbulletin was in worse shape then than it was 2 years ago. The vbulletin 3 dev process as well as the early betas were every bit as bad as vbulletin 4.
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    To be fair, think I arrived at vBulletin when vB2 was just ending life and vBulletin 3 was in the process of being developed. So it didn't seem like I waited long for vB3 to arrive. I don't have the same memories of vBulletin 3 development dragging on like some of you have for years.
  20. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Took 2 and 1/2 years to get done. During the time we saw a shitload of betas, then a bunch of rc's, then something called gamma for a few releases and finally the finished product. Kier and team made a mockery out of the tried and true software development process which is alpha, 2 or 3 betas a couple rc's and then final. Not to mention the process stopped and restarted in between.

    Read some of the old threads about it. It was an absolute comedy of errors. It is textbook on how not to develop software. If there had been any other viable alternative at the time vbulletin would have died like UBB did.

    I still believe the reason vbulletin was sold to IB was because John and James didn't have the heart to what was needed get vbulletin back on track. What was needed was to clean house. I applauded IB in the beginning and even predicted that either Kier along with most of the team would be let go or resign. I was sure the first move was evaluate and then revamp. My bet is if they all hadn't resigned they would have been let go anyway.

    While some see Kier and gang as Gods in reality they didn't and still don't have a clue about developing a product for the masses with features the users want. They prefer to build it for what they want and force it down the users throat.
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