The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well now this explains a lot just posted by the owner of the forum that got hot-linked too.

    Pretty much as I suspected really, they wasn't stock XF ones getting displayed that would have made things "very obvious" had they been! I mean, how many vB forums use stock smilies coming with it, not most. And especially so if running vB3. Think this has been an honest mistake on IB part, they've not checked smiley paths and seen they was being pulled from another site.

    It's a very large forum, the previous owner might have been looking for ways to save on some bandwidth cost
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Absolutely agree, that is what it will be.

    I am tired of the whole bashing scenario anyway. I have removed all my recent posts from XenForo. I have come to be seen as some sort of catalyst for unrest, which is absolutely far from what I intended.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You're never going to be taken serious there because you don't use XenForo for any forums you run. And run vBulletin as your main site, and all there know you do. The fact you own an XF licence, an expired one. Won't matter one JOT, if your not using the forum software your comments will be seen as muted.

    And to be fair, they are right really. You can't expect they'd treat you any different using vB and not XF
  4. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't care one jot how they treat me. I am just sick of fighting a cause I'm no longer all that interested in.

    I made my decision that I was not going to convert to XenFori soy only interest was that I hoped the company did well. Frankly the silence recently meant I dont even care about that now. I am completely indifferent.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well you can solve that one easy, just stop posting there if you're sick of people getting back at you arguing.

    If you're not interested, I don't get why you keep posting then?
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I *have* stopped posting there. I have removed the vast majority of my posts there dating back as far as October last year, apart from one or two pertinent ones.

    I shall shortly stop posting in this thread too (though not on this site). Utterly bored with wasting parts of my life on a company that doesn't appear to care what happens to its own business.

    I still wish the guys well, but I'm out of it now. My licence can be revoked for all I care, it isn't going to be renewed and I'll never be using the software.

    I'm sure there are others who feel the same way. Those business practices are just not for me.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    What do you mean, you've deleted all your posts going back to October, 2011. Why on earth have you done that for? Thought you had this thing about people deleting posts, and you've now gone and deleted all yours spanning back to October, 2011 from XenForo.

    Talk about doing something - you call others for doing (like myself only the other day) in that Shawn Hogan thread here! OMG!!!!

    Same here once a a licence transfer goes through, once that's done I'm no longer an XF licence owner. Hence, that's me done talking about them anymore in this thread.
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    That's you deleting other people's posts. deleting your own is entirely different.

    I don't want anything to do with XenForo any more, I am sick of the silly drama of the past few months, it's obviously how Kier and Mike want to run the business, well it's not for me.

    Invision takes their business seriously. vBulletin takes their business seriously. XenForo thinks it's fine to play silly games with the paying customers. Genuinely wish them all the best with their venture and I hope it eventually makes them very rich because they are star coders and the product is superb, but they need to get someone in the run the business because they don't know how to do that bit.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm not getting involved Mark in anymore negative discussion about them. My license is pending transfer and expect I'll be done in the next few hours or tomorrow talking about them in any more threads negatively. Think it's time to call it a day myself and let them get on with things!
  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    At least you can sell yours! I'm not renewing mine just so I can sell it, pointless. They might as well just revoke it, it will never be used or accessed again.

    What a sad end to something that started so optimistically two years back. :(
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You could always give it away if not using it. I did that once with a vBulletin licence. Made more sense to me letting somebody have it, who would make use of it at least.

    That's why I'm selling mine on, because I know I'm not going to use it anymore, so I'd sooner somebody have it who will and also renewing it later. Not only is there no point me clinging on to it, but it will benefit XenForo better owned by another person now.
  12. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    You can't. You have no transfer rights on an expired licence.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Right, guess your kind of stuck with it then. You could renew and sell, it cost £25 ($40) to renew for 12 months, you could then sell it easy for £50 with 12 months time left on it making £25 out the sale. Not much, but better than nowt your getting now!
  14. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    No real guarantee of getting back the renewal money if I did. No real guarantee anyone would buy it.

    Best to forget about it and push anyone who wants a licence to buy a new one, will help the guys more. Me, I'm done. $100 wasted, but I knew the risks when I bought it. Just that we all thought that the risk was the vB would finish them off in the lawsuit, rather than that they themselves would dump their own business.
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  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Got to pick you up on that one said. The only posts I've ever deleted from another on my forum, was obvious spam posts by the likes of AnthonyCea posting abuse and bad language on purpose. Which there's no need for. Have a go at me by all means, but leave out the bad language. You don't see me using the F Word in posts and keep mine clean as possible from bad language. So I don't expect to read it coming from others like that twit above. AnthonyCea - always posted it on purpose wanting to see his posts removed.

    So he'd then have an excuse to call me a "%$£*&^ censoring nazi %$£*&^ scumbag", that was his favourite saying I think? Like I'm going to leave that standing on my forum. Doh!

    If your going to post I deleted members posts from my forum Mark, then at least tell the full story, and not half cocked tale to suit you. :rolleyes:
  16. BullsNet

    BullsNet Regular Member

    is it bad that i read through all 814 posts, 41 pages of this thread :)
  17. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    What happened to that I posted in as a guest, that John also posted in as a guest, about XenForo? It's gone!
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You must have been bored
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  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    What about all those people Mark, who you banned from your forum and they then set-up a "Facebook Account" because of how you did it - done to get back at you. So what about you, and how you run: BC Forums.

    You tend to forget about that one, don't you?
  20. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Bit of a body swerve there Gary, as in, you completely failed to answer my question.

    As for my site - every successful forum site has disgruntled members that "huff off " because they disagreed with a decision the owners made. In the old days they went and set up their own forums, these days they just do Facebook groups because it's easier. In this specific case, my site is *massively* better off without these people and activity picked up considerably after we removed them.
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