Each person if different Mark, from the next person. While I agree with what you say, for the most part. If you've got strong moral beliefs when it comes to being honest about things, your being asked to not be honest keeping something to yourself. That can be a tricky situation to be put in. Riddle me this one. "If I told you I've just robbed your next door neighbour taking £10,000 out the house. Me not knowing the husband living there is your best friend also, along with myself. What you going to do, if you knew that money was there to pay for a very important life saving operation? You going to keep quiet about it, because I'm your friend and confided it in private expecting your complete silence. Or let your other friend down" Which side of the fence will you sit on?
Still waiting for an answer Mark...... you seem stumped? :doh: Gosh Mark, you're wrong actually and this is what Brogan said. You should read other comments made first before keep diving in quoting me. Also, what would it matter now to you if Brogan did say anything. After all, you did post this yesterday. Or was that another Mark.B clone? :shrug:
Do you suggest that KAM trio are breaking the law by being mute over situation inside company? If not, your question is out of place.
Because thats what you just did. Guy says "I will keep mouth shut from loyalty to company" and you refute it with example about criminals. Those are two completly different tales.
No, you're reading way too much into it. Nothing at all to do with KAM or XenForo. You're a million miles away from the punchline. LMAO!
The answer to the riddle was, "you cannot win either way". Both are you're best friends and you are being forced to defend either the criminal by keeping quiet, thus betraying your other neighbour friend. And if you tell your neighbour out of friendship with him who robbed his house, you're betraying the other friend. It's a no win scenario, you will betray (one or the other). That was the riddle of it all I asked Mark! :speechless:
Oh dear me! More fun and games I see, I've just split my coffee on the floor laughing, and I've no milk left in to make another! :cow: View attachment 2207
1.2: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/like-importer-doesnt-rebuild-serialized-data.29888/#post-375412
The fan-boys are going to lap that up now, like licking cream from the top of a milk bottle. You better put that bullet proof vest on Mark when posting on XenForo again.
One post does not a communications strategy make. In fact, one post does not a release make. And plus, as we've all stated, even if communication suddenly reverts to normal and all is well, whilst I'll be delighted and will shut up, it still doesn't excuse the past few months. This is the problem. After several "false starts", including Kier himself saying he was definitely back only to actually not be, some people are going to need to see the actual release first. Not me, I'm not in that camp frankly. The fundamental problem is, they have knowingly hurt public confidence in the business, and that makes you wonder....why?
I'm speechless seeing that done now by Kier. I could say so much but what's the point? I'm wondering now how he'll let people know it's release date next? I mean, will he just post another short reply in that same thread saying
I think you've just become "Public Enemy Number 1" on XF now, all the last replies are aimed your way to try and ridicule you. Their pitch forks are out in one hand, cat got fresh cream in other! :frown:
You'll notice that not too many people are jumping on that post. Could it be that it's a bit too late? Of is it that Kier IS on the forum, yet still not saying anything of real value? Who knows...
Like I care about THAT. A lot of them are just kids who can only post abuse in response to opinions they don't agree with. One day I should write a book on the psychology of forums. I see it often on my own site. People assume that the stance they take is the ONLY ONE that could possibly be deemed "reasonable". Therefore everyone else is deemed to be a troll/causing disruption/etc. (The worst scenario is when such people become moderators, which is largely the sort of behaviour that saw my site "break away" from where we all started, ten years ago.) I have been abused and insulted by far better people than those attempting it now. They should use the ignore list if they don't like it. Certainly, I have no intention of shutting up just because a few fanbois get stroppy about it. I will only shut up if the site staff ask me to.
Oops I've only been and gone and went and got the thread closed. Wasn't my intention, but people kept posting abuse. I genuinely tried hard to keep my replies civil in the face of all the insults. Slavik has made the right decision really. Some people just cannot debate in an adult way.