That would be my speculation atm as well. Especially if you look back at what happened with Brogan and some other tiny comments made by a few. It seems more likely, IMHO.
I was thinking before about what Brogan said here last, that he didn't leave XenForo because of the hassle with customers keep asking questions. I'm wondering then, and this is "pure speculation" on my part. If he might have been promised a "paid staff position" eventually, but on learning something was coming off that meant it would never happen for him now. He stepped down, no longer willing to continue moderating for free - until what he knows happens. Brogan said that he and Mike are friends, but also made it clear there's no love lost between himself, Ashley and Kier. Did maybe Mike tell Brogan what was really going on and that miffed Brogan off to the point of leaving.
I knew Mike had not left. I do know of another personal matter, that I am not at liberty to talk about. But still......
I think it's more like he tried to get them to add more moderators, and tried to get them to post a bit more on the forums, or at least make aannouncements/updates, etc. and they refused. He did say in one of his posts on XF that he asked Kier to add mods and the request fell on deaf ears.
But Brogan did say he knows everything what's going on, he knows something is happening but can't tell. Saying it's up to KAM to tell customers themselves.That's why I said could Mike have told him something as friends, leading to stepping down moderating. Was there no point in him carry on maybe?
Well it's wild speculation, just me thinking more about what Brogan said putting an oddly fitting jigsaw puzzle together. :shrug:
It is all very puzzling, and a bit frustrating to me. And if it is so, to me who has no stake in the future of XF (both my licenses are expired and I don't intend to renew them), I can imagine how much moreso it is for those with active licenses, and even moreso for those with multiple licenses.
Regardless of whats going on - you make some sort of statement to your customers. Look -- the damage being done right now is huge. By not commenting or communicating, despite numerous requests -- your giving your customers a big 'fu'. They are letting rumors and speculation run rampant. They let a big thread for vB5 run for several days. These are customers that came to Xenforo and even sacrificed to help KAM and the company. They are also doing this at a time when IB "seems" to have gotton it's act together. If those customers start to feel like they dont matter to KAM - forget it. They'll be gone and the reputation will be badly tarnished. This has a better chance of bringing down Xenforo then the lawsuit, IMO.
But nobody knows what's really going on though, or what their real intentions are at XenForo right now. Who knows, what you just said there might suit them fine. If they was for example; coming to an agreement with IB, handing over ownership to them soon. KAM, would love nothing better in the meantime, but doing as much damage as possible to the forum product before IB get their hands on it. We just don't know what's going on in their minds? In fact, based on what they are doing now, saying nothing at all knowing the company is being destroyed more and more each day. You'd have to say it points towards that being the biggest possibility of all that's happening. It's all very bizarre....indeed! I'll say one thing, if they now release XF 1.2 before the end of June. It's going to be a case of "WTF" are you playing at?
One liner. Kiers MO when with vbulletin. The more things change the more they remain the same. Communication has never been Kiers strong suit. It didn't hurt him at vbulletin because you had Steve and Wayne picking up the slack. It is hurting tremendously now that he owns the company.
I sympathise with everyone who has expressed their opinions on the various sites. I'm not sure which is more frustrating as a customer - knowing what's going on but not being able to say anything* or being completely in the dark and having to speculate. * To clarify, I haven't been forbidden from saying anything, I have just chosen not to.
Suspect knowing and not saying anything is the worst of the two. Your pretty much all alone on that one, at least we can talk discussing it between one another wondering what it might be. That's something your unable to do unless they know about it also. I can understand you not saying anything because Mike is your friend and feeling like it's not your place to say anything. However, and this is something I've thought about afterwards. If they was selling out for example, meaning some are renewing right now under false pretences, some people even buying new XF licenses. Think morally you should say something for the sake of those people, because you'll know they are being strung along by KAM not saying anything on purpose. And not only that, it won't fair well for you later. That you just stood by watching it happen saying nothing, when you could have done. It's a really hard decision to make on your part, but do know I couldn't stand by idly watching people renewing their licences. Reading them say they're supporting XF but knowing they do it falsely. Morally, that's not something I could do in the end, I would have to spill the beans thinking of myself and not KAM. You've stood by giving them a chance to come out clean telling people what's going on, but it's not happened and doesn't look like doing. Depending on what it is hugely, how it will effect customers? You do have to question your own morals at some point if they keep refusing to tell customers, that's if you know they should be telling them. It all boils down to what it is you know exactly, and how you "feel morally" about KAM still not telling customers about it? Personally, I wouldn't sacrifice my own moral beliefs for somebody else acting like they have none, simple as if feeling that strongly about it. I'd probably tell them either you tell customers within the next few days, do the right thing. Otherwise, chances are I'll do for you because what your doing is wrong.
I am not responsible for the actions of XenForo the company nor any of its employees. I was an unpaid moderator on their forum, nothing more. Customers must make their own decisions and choose to purchase the software or renew their licences based on the information available at the time.
We don't know - what it is you do know? We've no idea how it's going to affect customers, not like you do. Well that's a good question. :shrug: Just spotted Kier is online at XF, which frankly is like spotting a rare Gold Finch bird sitting in your garden these days. So maybe it's a sign something could be coming today?
I used to be a volunteer moderator, for the UK ISP "Tiscali" (now defunct) on their support forums. They used to get up to some morally questionable tactics. (Indeed it's how my site started). However, once you agree to take on a role of that nature, that's it. You don't breach the confidentiality no matter what. I did not reveal some of the questionable things that went on in their mods forum, much as really customers ought to have known. It was not my place to be a whistle blower, if I give my word to keep things confidential, that is what I do. Brogan is in much the same position, and if he now "blew the whistle", it would reflect badly on HIM. He is doing the right thing by not commenting, it's not for him to judge that and it's not for him to reveal anything.
You are doing the right thing. If you "spilled the beans", it would only make things worse and wouldn't really help as it would still not be an "official statement". It may also cause irreparable harm to "the guys" which is not something most of us want. I say let them be masters of their own destiny. They aren't actually ripping anyone off they are just not communicating. No scam is taking place, hence no whistle blowing required.