Think John put his feeling and point across well in his post. Nobody can really take out of context what he said. A while back I spotted somebody else sending a tweet to Kier, it was Floren asking if they would post an announcement letting people know what's going on at XenForo. But it fell on deaf ears, and he's another who says he's personal friends with them. Doesn't matter who you are, they obviously don't want to say anything.
You know, I don't take any of this personal. It is, after all, just business. Those of us who are trying to make a living from it are just going to have to do what we think is best. Kier and Mike will do the same.
There's no such thing as "can't say anything". Sure, maybe they've been advised to say nothing about the court case or show planned features IB might use to prolong the case against them. But as for saying nothing, of course they can. They could confirm, as I said before that 1.2 is coming. Just leave it at that, say nothing else. Why people are now jumping on the boat saying they are completely and utterly gagged from saying anything at all. Well, it's total nonsense.
Lemmie try.... "Unfortunately, due to the lawsuit, our attorneys have advised us not to comment on development, and to limit new releases to bug fixes and maintenence until the lawsuit is concluded. This is better for the long term success of Xenforo and hope everyone will understand why our communication will be limited for awhile." There -- was that so hard?
So from now June, 2012 - until Jan, 2013 (which is when the court trial date is set I think). We can expect they will saying nothing, nor release XF 1.2 until after that date, that in effect is what your saying. Do you think there would be an anything left of XenForo by then, just curious? I'm not convinced yet about this, that they've been told to say nothing. It's possible, but to say nothing at all while your company goes down the plug-hole like XenForo currently is, people refusing to renew and complaining in more numbers each day. Well it makes me think otherwise, because they could still post something to try and keep things ticking over best they can.
This would absolutely be the professional thing to do. ugh don't jump to conclusions. Joey said this, not KAM.
Yes - dont confuse. Im pointing out how easy it would be for KAM to post something that would dispense with much of the drama.... Thats all. And yes, I think Xenforo would stand a whole lot better chance of surviving if they did this.
I read Joey's post wrong then, because he quoted me and said that. I thought at first he was telling me why they couldn't do it in a sarcastic manner (it's late here and I'm tired). Sorry Joey, I misread your meaning there, that they "KAM" could say that.
Exactly, and there's really no excuse for not doing so. Other than KAM deciding themselves to say nothing.
Like I said previous, can fully understand their legal team saying something like. "Listen guys, we have a court date set now. Don't give IB anymore reasons to try and delay things. Hold XF 1.2 back so they can't dissect that apart trying to find something new to use as delay tactics, don't make any comments about the court case either they could use, just give them nothing anymore". But even all that doesn't stop KAM from at least being able to say. "XenForo 1.2 is coming, we can't say when or give reasons why, just bear with us please and all will become clear later".
I don't think it has anything to do with external issues. I think "whatever" is going on is internal. If that's the case, we won't hear anything from them until it all shakes out.
Think the same also. Some of us thought 'Mike' had left before, that was the internal issue. Know I did after being told he had left in twitter using Private Chat, but then only to see him come back marking bugs as fixed later. So god knows what is going on.