The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Couldn't care less about anymore theories, we've been through them all A to Z. I'm going to see what happens on XenForo now come end of June. That's all anyone can do, things should become more clear by then.
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  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I don't understand what you mean by that?
  3. steven s

    steven s Regular Member

    Too many have their head buried in the sand.
    Many of us drank the xf juice. It was an exciting time.
    IB was doing a terrible job. Along came XenForo. What's not to love?
    And now? People don't realize the juice has soured. They continue drinking.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Having a nice cup of coffee myself right now. :coffee:
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I see SmackLAN (John) has come out voicing his own concerns on XenForo now. Bit surprised to see him doing that, he usually says nothing always backing their corner!
  6. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    What I mean is.... What if 1.2 was mostly developed, and they showed it to the lawyers who advised that features in 1.2 would help prove parts of IB's case --- and advised they dont release it?
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Forum software is always going to have some features - the same as others. You only have to look at IPB now having the LIKE THIS and Alerts features same as XenForo. I mean, IPS are worse than anyone for ripping off new forum features and sticking them in IPB to keep pace. They do it very blatantly in fact, never landed them in hot water (skip to the end when IPB show up)!

  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Not that video *again*? :rolleyes:

    That got old in 1972.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It makes me laugh when IPB show up at the end and what's said to him. :lol2:
  10. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    OR - they aren't releasing the new developments to keep IB from getting them?

    Just sayin...
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    There could be something in that one. It does make sense to stop releasing teasers if feeling IB are looking for anything they could use to prolong the court case, plus other forum software stealing the same ideas away from XenForo before it's even released. Cough, cough, IPB.

    I can see things from that perspective for sure. KAM are in very competitive forum market with spying eyes watching closely what's being done, where having something another forum software doesn't found in XF can make a very telling difference.
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  12. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    The frustration is almost palpable on the XF site.
    I really feel bad for those people.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Just been reading what John posted on XenForo. Saddens me reading that coming from him, says a lot and KAM should respond with something now. They are losing some very important people - they cannot afford to lose. First DEEBS saying what he did, now John coming out also. Wow!

    How long before we see other people like Shawn Hogan from Digital Point, changing his mind saying he'll use vBulletin 5 instead? How long before mods like Slavik, who's invested his own site in XenForo starts to question his own concerns.

  14. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    What did Deebs say?
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Nothing more needs be said...really. He touches on the same points we've been saying here for months. Lack of proper communication and respect being shown towards customers paying their wages. They've just lost 3 license renewals there from Deebs, not to mention his trust and overall opinion about XenForo and KAM. And you can bet your bottom dollar, that he won't be going out his way anymore helping other customers having problems. Not like he did previously, and why should he benefiting XenForo - while KAM still ignore him?

    It's a two way street at the end of the day. Give nothing, then you can expect nothing back in return.
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  16. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    They've come a long way from people buying licenses they didnt need just to be helpful and supportive.
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  17. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Sadly so. And no one can blame them.
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    It's a shame some of the responses John had to his post. He is one of the ardent supporters of xenforo and friends with Kier and Mike. Yet the rose colored glass wearing people still don't get it and continue to say everything is just fine.

    It should open some eyes when John and Audentio the 2 most prominent style creators post their concerns. Yet many just brush them off. Once the dev community starts to dry up which seems to be happening the end will be fast. xenforo lacks too much at this point and the addon community has stepped up to fill the gap. Once they leave say good bye to xensoro.

    Of course the rose colored glasses group will say everything they need is already in xenforo and they don't need any addons.
  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Bob there are some that do not need any add-ons. I didn't. So for them, everything is fine.

    I too have been one of their most ardent supporters, to the point where many of you ridiculed me for it.
    However, since I talked to John a few days ago, and read his latest post, I'm finished defending them to the point of ridiculousness (is that even a word?).

    If I feel that someone's post is wrong, I will still say so, since many people are just making up crap to be contentious and stir up trouble. But I won't be blindly defending the owners any longer.
  20. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Here's your answer...........


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