The childish hatred some have for vB is what wrecked that thread. Instead of a sensible discussion about why they thought vBulletin might be inferior to XenForo, we just got "yah boo vB sux" and nonsense like this: "[background=rgb(249, 217, 176)]Gabby said: [/background]↑Still doesn't change their nasty, biotchy, cranky, over moderated, sheet bag of a "support" forum called "
Well the complaints are not going away, there's been a flurry of activity in the "good news" thread again today. more and more people gradually coming to realise that something isn't right.
I don't know. The majority of people think everything is fine and perfectly acceptable. They just need to take off their rosey colored glasses which isn't going to happen soon. What they really need is another distraction like vBulletin Connect. That made them forgot about everything for a few days.
I really hope vB Connect is a good product, mainly because the current team of devs are good people and they unnecessarily put up with a lot of very nasty abuse for stuff that went before, in most cases it was before they started and/or entirely outside their control. Also having all three of the main commercial products in this market (IPB/vB/XF) in strong positions is good for the future of forums.
I'm just posting my opinions and, as usual, I'm getting flamed. We've even had that "ArneeVee" posting stupid childish pictures. Is that bloke 14 or something? Even John has now expressed concern. I cannot believe some people are STILL suggesting everything is normal and there's no problem.
I can understand them saying nothing because they could have been advised not to do so by their legal team. But even they know you can't keep totally silent and would advise they make some-kind of announcement to try and keep business going as usual After all, them getting paid is hugely dependent on XenForo keeping going. Plus they don't have to say nothing, just not about the court case, or other things that could work against them. They could still post for instance. XenForo 1.2 is coming, but with no details given. How could IB use this against them: XenForo 1.2 is still coming?
As I have said in the thread, no lawyer would ever advise you not to run your business, and if they did they'd say close it down, not just let it whither on the vine.
I'm just waiting now, end of June is fast approaching and people have already started becoming much more vocal about it on XenForo. It's no longer about a small minority talking about it here, not like it was a month ago. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show, after they banned me before for no real reason at XenForo. Not for anything I said there at the time anyhow, so stuff them. Have my popcorn in hand ready, eat a big box last night reading your posts and the replies made. LMAO! They've ignored customers concerns for months, customers who've supported them against Internet Brands from the start. They deserve all they get shortly when that volcano blows it's top later next week.
I half expect to lose my account there at some point, there is a vocal group of people who would love to see that. As I have suggested in the thread just now, this is in some ways similar to what happened at vBulletin in 2009, a group of people were warning of what was about to happen and we were constantly attacked and shouted down by "fanbois". "Wait for the release", "wait for the announcement", was constantly thrown at them, and of course the end result was exactly as had been predicted. Frankly it's not about the end of June. the team only ever said they "aimed" for a 1.2 release in Q2. That's patently obviously not happening now since they are talking about 1.1.3. But what comes out and when is not the issue and never has been, the issue is about the sudden change from lots of communication and interaction, to none at all - with no explanation. That's all it is. No amount of fanboi chanting is going to change that. They could release 1.2 tomorrow and it wouldn't change that. Customers have been treated with contempt and confidence in the company has been lost.
Good luck to them, if they think a 1.1.3 maintenance release will be accepted by most customers as being good enough come end of June. Smoke and mirrors if you ask me! Said it before, you'll probably see support added in 1.1.3 to use "Resource Manager" with it, released at the same time to grab some more sales, and hoping it will be enough to make many renew. But Resource Manager was only originally slated to be used with 1.2, so what does that tell you if happening? That 1.2 is not coming and KAM are simply looking at different ways to grab cash before "what-ever-happens"? To me, they are so predicable in what they are doing now. We'll see soon enough if that does in fact happen, lucky for me I'm banned and can say what I really think.
TBH if 1.2 has to be delayed for whatever reason then adding the RM to 1.1.3 is an extremely sensible move. 1) Customers want it 2) XenForo can use it to generate more income. You have there a customer demand (for the RM) and a means to make money from it quickly (adding support to 1.1.3). I think that's an extremely sensible move, if they do it. Businesses exist to make money. Nothing wrong in that whatsoever.
Just had a thought.... Think its possible that what was planned for version 1.2 could have been something of a smoking gun, helping prove IB's case? And hasnt been released because of that?
I'd be happy with most things, given the scenario of the lawsuit, if they would just communicate with people. They refuse to do so, and it makes no sense whatsoever. they must be acutely aware that the company's reputation is falling off a cliff. I do wonder if there has been friction within the team and some sort of commercial equivalent of a "strop" is going on. It would certainly explain a great deal.