I'm actually very surprised that the vB5 thread is being left open. AND that a mod is participating in it. These types of threads have ALWAYS been closed in the past. If Brogan was there, it would have been closed by the 3rd post, as well it should be.
The difference with this thread and the ones at XF are pretty simple really. XF is a business. No different than the VB & IPB business sites. The way you carry yourself as a business is a direct reflection of your entire business. This would include the behavior of how your moderators behave and what you allow to transpire in your business support forums. You do not see this type of behavior allowed on VB & IPB. This thread here is on an admin forum site discussing all the forum platforms. You have a variety of opinions on different forum platforms. Therefor, you will have more diverse replies. In the end, this is an admin forum site. Not the forum business site. Huge difference there!
The problem is, when people make common sense posts like that one thinking about the future of their forum and making a decision based on what they see happening on XenForo, which others should respect is their view. They usually get jumped on for saying it soon afterwards in other posts in that same thread, like they are in the wrong for even thinking that way. I've seen and read it happen too many times now. This is why XenForo are not, nor will they ever get any real feedback. Suspect many are moving away saying nothing, because they don't want to open their mouths based on what they see happening to others that do. They get told they're in the wrong and bla, bla, bla. Just read Slavik saying why that vB5 thread has been left running, to get feedback because it's in direct competition with XenForo. I don't blame him, nor other mods because know it will be KAM who's said leave it running (strings pulled). No doubt, Slavik would have asked them about closing it. I'm betting he was told "No", leave it open. For the most part that thread is giving feedback, although some are not doing. Some are using it just to have another pop at vBulletin, and all those (obvious posts) should have been removed to keep things on topic. End of the day, all they're doing is making XenForo look like the perfect hate place for all vBulletin exiles to go join ranting away. It's turned into a cesspit of vBulletin abuse, great for business that one. It's a shame they can't see it, because everyone else visiting XenForo can.
I like the way someone said nobody in vBulletin.com liked the look of the screenshots. That isn't true at all, much of the feedback has been positive.
They must have been reading what was posted on XenForo.com, thinking they was on vBulletin.com. Mistakes happen! :doh:
I'm wondering which core developers this person thinks XF has lost? There are only 2, and both are still there.
I think he got confused in saying that, he made a mistake seeing as Mike has been marking bugs fixed since. There's only Mike and Kier and both seem to be there still.
This is all true of course, but.... You do have to remember that many of these people - in particular the ones you quoted above - got burned by the vB4 fiasco, and are still bitter about it. I doubt they'll be willing to give vB another go 'round.
Ah but then you would be posting about how they're unfairly deleting posts, closing threads, etc. You've done it before.
True, they did get burnt. As did I also, and even renewed later and never ended up using vBulletin 4. So I've just a bigger gripe as them really, but that was years ago now. How long are they going to dwell in the past, till they are 90 years old? There's no need to delete the thread, just remove obvious trolling from it. I can understand they want to discus vB5 there, but don't use it as an excuse just to troll vBulletin.
I bought into that whole presale, x2. People can live in the past, that's fine. I boycotted Exxon for awhile and only bought Mobil. Then Exxon buys Mobil. Whattya going to do? You need gas, you need gas. Run out of gas to prove a point? I'll consider vB5. Hell, vB4 is looking pretty good too. Until there is a settlement with xenforo it's foolish to even consider xenforo anymore. I'll do what I feel is best for my community.
steven steven steven, you keep blowing back and forth like the wind, lol Until there is a settlement with Xenforo, why does anyone feel the need to move anywhere? Unless the other software has additional features that XenForo doesn't have and you feel your forum simply must have, what's the hurry. If there are no problems with your current software, why spend the $ and move? Don't get me wrong, I'd be saying the same things about vB if the tables were turned. Why abondon the ship if it's still floating?
Simple reason being, KAM are not installing any confidence "that anything is coming". They've gone from being very active giving good feedback, posting teasers and what not. To very abruptly saying nothing at all really from 3 months ago, plus keeping a low profile being seen on the forums. Now taking into account the court case is still going on, people are going to start reading something into that, it's only natural. That maybe they are saying nothing because their hands are tied in a settlement and the end is coming. People running forums like to think about it's future, if they feel the software used doesn't have one because of what's not being said, even when asking question wanting answers and getting none. You know what's going to happen next? They'll feel like things are being hidden and they're being ignored losing trust in the products future, then most likely start thinking about moving on elsewhere. Keep something in mind, they could post today saying XF 1.2 is still coming and that would put an end to speculation, along with installing faith back into many customers. It's not hard to do, so why not do it? And they don't even have to give a set date, just confirm it's arriving putting customer minds at rest? And that's the crux of the whole argument, why will they NOT confirm "proper" that XF 1.2 will be here sooner or later?
Yep I completely understand what you're saying Gary. Fact is tho, I don't even run a forum any longer, so I really have no stake in this except that I do still have 2 XF licenses, tho expired. But even if I was still running a forum, I'd stick with it, because I didn't need anything more than what XF provided. BTW, the next release will be 1.1.3., a point update.
Well yeah, I'm aware of what's looking like a 1.1.3 maintenance release might be coming now. About the license thing also. Well I've now decided to stick my own XF "active license" up for sale. Once sold, I'll be dropping out all discussion about XenForo here, or anywhere else. Seeing as I'll have no stake in the product after that. I'm asking £50 ($77) for an active license. If anyone is interested, it's valid until October 21st, 2012 (should cover 1.1.3 maintenance release easy, even XF 1.2). Contact me via PM. View attachment 2201
Me? I think we are both blowing in the wind. I'm not looking to change anything. My vB3 site is doing just fine. My vB4 site is fine. I'll do what I can with my xf sites. I;m just saying I won't devote any time OR MONEY until there is a settlement. I don't think xenforo will be going away, it may just be a matter who we pay. It's everyone's choice. I just thing it's futile to be on a moral crusade. Business is business. Want to support business that are moral in every way, good luck!