I don't think any of this is really going to matter, think it will become more apparent towards to end of June when XF 1.2 doesn't arrive. Can't see things lasting until Jan, 2013 either, that's when the court date is set for I think? Agree with what AWS said before, we'll see a settlement made well before that time. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong and we'll see XF 1.2 released in the next 2 half weeks to quash all rumours and get things back to normal, which is all that's left in June now. But I don't think we'll see it come. And regardless of people saying, June is not set in stone as a final release date. I do think if it doesn't arrive by then things are going to heat-up fast at XenForo and many peoples views will change rapidly. Most there from reading, they're hanging fast on it being released in June, thinking the developers have been quiet working hard to hit that release date. If they come out now with a maintenance release instead that includes bugs fixes, thinking that will please people for the time being. They are going to be in for a huge shock after saying nothing for 3 months indicating XF 1.2 wasn't coming.
heh there's no telling what's going to happen, really. Whatever it is, good or bad, I can honestly say, I won't be a bit surprised.
See Mark.B is pulling one of his crazy stunts as usual, going in at the deep-end taking his comments onto XenForo now mainly. He's getting ripped to bits doing it, spotted Slavik has had to remove some abuse aimed his way last night. You have to laugh though! They'll not get at Mark, they'll annoy themselves trying first. He's just playing with them, he's a master at it.
So what's your thoughts going to be if XenForo 1.2 does not get released by the end of June. Do you think most customers will think if that happens, and this includes the avid fans there. Will they change their mind now thinking. It's all over, it spells the end, something is definitely afoot? I'm just curious how others feel about this possibly happening.
When it's not released there will be some vague post. "we are continuing to work towards developing and supporting XenForo." What really does that mean? Working on xenforo or working on the case which needs to be settled before they can work on xenforo. I feel it can be interpreted either way but lean more towards xenforo can't move ahead until the case is put behind them.
But for me, that's kind of a "catch 22 situation". If they did put XenForo 1.2 on hold, how are they supposed to keep generating funds needed to carry on fighting the court case effectively? And if they are not seen doing things by the time Jan, 2013 comes around, it may not matter if they win or lose. Because customers will have been switching over away from using XenForo due to lack of development in not seeing XenForo 1.2.
Oh shame I missed that, anyone have any screenshots? No they won't get to me but I'm not "playing" with them, I'm making serious points. This is too serious an issue for playing games.
Read another person saying they've just left XenForo to IPB. My fear is, this is picking up pace. Customers are beginning to leave more frequently. View attachment 2198 Didn't see what was posted before removed, guessing it was aimed your way though.
If it gets released, whether in June or later, that's a good thing. If it doesn't get released, I'll not be much surprised. Unfortunately my opinion seems to be shifting on this matter, which hurts me, because I had such high hopes for XF.
Well, it's unfortunate for XenForo. But Internet Brands are all about making money, that's what they do on the web. They was never going to let this happen with a new upstart company created by ex-employees of theirs 12 months later, who we're also lead developers. Not after just paying millions to purchase Jelsoft/vBulletin, way too much money involved. It's going to happen, not only to you but others also. It's the middle of June nearly, and still they refuse to say anything, no teasers, no nothing. It's only natural peoples previous beliefs will now start changing until they do say something. Even the die hard XF fan-boys I'm betting are starting to question if they are right anymore in keep defending KAM? I don't see why they keep defending them anyway, when KAM make it obvious they're ignoring them. Wow, I mean, the brains in doing that one!
OMG! This was such a funny reply made on XenForo today, that I just have to quote it with a screen-shot. View attachment 2199
I'm starting to wonder if KAM are not saying anything because they can't due to legal reasons with something going on? Basically their hands are tied, they can't say anything. Well, vBulletin 5 is getting released at ForumCon later, so all eyes will be on that today. Will be interesting to see what it throws up, what it will be like? Kind of expected we might have seen XF 1.2 released today to co-inside with it, but guess not now.
If you search on Mike's recent posts, in one of his bug responses he mentions something being changed in 1.1.3. Not 1.2. 1.1.3. I think it's likely that any upcoming release will NOT be 1.2, but will in fact be a minor maintenance release, 1.1.3. But doubtless people will disagree with me and claim Mike was confused due to being tired after coding 1.2 in the middle of the night, or something.
I have been saying all along, 1.2 would have had to be ready for release, and there is no evidence that it is...
That's interesting then, was thinking all we might see is a maintenance release made (as I said before). I keep saying time and time again, people need to stop reading too much into actions done. Instead only take "what is said directly as happening". It's an old mind-game KAM, they know customers will make a big meal off. When in fact it tells them nothing, and they're saying nothing doing it. It's just that old vBulletin cryptic game being played out again, you'd think ex-vBulletin people on XenForo would be used to it by now? Obviously not. I know what you mean, but with us being in the middle of June and nearly (end of 2nd Q), Thought XenForo may have been close to completion and they was in a situation to release it on same day as vBulletin 5 at ForumCon, after news was announced about it last week. After all, it's not unheard off to see releases held back for a while once ready. A weeks notice about vBulletin 5 at forumCon, they could maybe have had time to match that same date looking at were we are at in Q2 now, or even release it as previously done (held back) - who knows? But it's not like we're at the very start of Q2 and something you'd see as impossible to happen.
Looks like what you've said here, has now been read and picked-up on at XenForo. Ha! Somebody even linked-back to Mikes post mentioning it, just for good measure. Bye, bye 1.2, the fan-boys got it wrong AGAIN it seems. Surprisingly, they went and made a ---> Mountain out of a Molehill.