The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. goob6969

    goob6969 Inactive

    Still ducking...

    Come on GTB... back your points up with some evidence for once!!! I'm giving you a free shot to validate yourself here... take it!!!
  2. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    THat would be up to the US court / law wouldnt it? Something you just stated you know little about.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Now where is that popcorn?

  4. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Dont feed the trolls :)
  5. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    Time to leave this discussion...
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Not another one, must be catching that delete my account
    Your just trolling now, for the sake of being a troll. I'm not interested in feeding you, go back to your cave and eat what ever scraps you have left there.
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    It seems to me you were involved doing the same thing to IB with the vbulletin passionate discussions a couple years back. In fact instead of a few threads a whole forum was created to bash IB and vbulletin.

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Your post is hypocrisy at it's finest. If you don't agree with me allowing people to state an opinion whether you agree with it or not then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Right or wrong I believe it letting people state their opinion. Always have and always will.
  8. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Although heated at times - I think this has been a valid discussion / debate about the issues.... for the most part...
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  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    We're getting just as good as we are giving. The problem is, they don't like it because they ain't getting at us. They come here baiting and only end up being the ones losing the plot instead, running off with tail between legs crying - "I ain't posting here anymore, delete my account". If people talk proper, they'll get spoken back to proper no problem. But if the trolls want to come baiting, posting just to try and annoy people. No use crying afterwards because you got the same treatment back and couldn't take it, your not on XenForo!

    If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen. Nobody is forcing them to post in this thread, and most of the time they are the ones pushing to annoy others anyway, not the other way around. Half the time I'm finding myself on the "defensive" end with them.

    Things get discussed normal here until one or two people show up, they seem intent on turning things upside-down every time. I'd sooner discus things proper like adults, than have this childish bickering. But some just can't do it and have to resort towards trying to belittle others in their replies made.
  10. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    I was not aware that discussions in here were directly related to My Dad will kick your dad's ass
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  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It's always been the intention to talk about what's going on with XenForo in a civil manner without resorting to arguing and bickering, after we brought it here due to threads keep getting locked asking questions there. Unfortunately, some want to keep bringing it down a peg or two (the XF fan-boys), intent on nothing but making things look very different.

    Which they've pretty much now succeeded in doing, well done!
  12. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    I'll repeat for those complaining about the XF discussion here:
    I was thinking the same thing, actually. It seems logical that this could be their main argument. We'll just have to wait and see.


    This has always been a place for people to speak out on either side of the issues. Glad to see it's still the same. You hardly can do that anywhere else in the forum admin world. Although quite entertaining at times (been a lurker for years), it seems to help some people to discuss matters without cliques stalking their ass in droves for a chance to regurgitate the same replies. Not to mention those who have felt they were over-moderated elsewhere over the years. Seemed to have helped VB customers as I'm sure it is helping XF customers.

    If others disagree, there are other forums that lean more toward one company or another...and others who play the "I'm not getting involved and you cannot talk that way here" forums. It's no wonder Facebook is more popular. You can talk all the crap you want all day long and rarely will you be moderated by those who oppose your views. If anything, you will only be moderated on illegal issues.
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Now that, my friend, is a stretch. If this is true, then IPB, MyBB, SMF, and any other forum software on the market could sue them as well. Further, they could ALL sue each other! After all, if simply talking about their product could be construed as soliciting current customers of all forum platforms, then they all have grounds for a lawsuit.

    Naw, way too much of a stretch.
  14. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Wow, a lot of silliness happened while I was away for a couple of hours.
    Just got back and reading is quite... entertaining! :D
  15. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Oh stop with the fanboy BS, god that gets irritating.
  16. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    You must be misunderstanding me. Kier didnt have non compete agreements with those companies. Just IB. One of the grounds in California for allowing a non compete to be enforced is the solicitation of the company's customers. One could argue that by putting up the forum before the 12 months was up, and drawing customers to it, that it meets the standard of soliciting the customers of the former employer. Now guess who was the first to mention of Xenforo on vB's forums (unless they deleted some posts)
  17. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    ah but KAM did not put up the forum before the 12 months was up. It was actually just shy of 13 months, I believe.
    Kier was the last of the 3 to leave IB, in June (might have even been early July) of 2009, Mike left in May, if I'm not mistaken. XF opened on July 28 of 2010. I joined the same day it opened.
  18. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Domain registered 2010-06-04

    But you might be right - the forum might fall JUST outside the 12 months...

    But that doesnt negate the direct contact I know KAM had with some vBulletin customers before the 12 months were up. Still a form of solicitation.
  19. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Well I know neither Xenforo or Kier ever solicited me to become a customer. It was a decision I made myself.
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  20. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    So he was not permitted to talk to anyone he knew from vBulletin after he left. Regardless of what it was about?
    He and I talked on Skype for almost 4 months before he even mentioned the remote possibility of a new forum software.

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