The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    Oh yes "Fanbois" are great defendors of xenforo :)
  2. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    People also aren't going to invest in a company where people are going around creating conspiracy theories and making accusation of the developers.

    Just because the people who have faith in the developers are trying to calm down the ones who are all up in arms because they haven't posted in a few weeks, doesn't make them a clique, a peanut gallery or fanboys. Altho I will admit that some of them can be pretty darn over-the-top, lol.

    eh well, se-la-vie (or however that's spelled).
  3. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    Couldnt agree more. Especially the people who dissect every word of every post, tweet or announcment made and try to fit it into their outlandish theories!
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  4. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    There's a difference between being supportive toward the company and trolling those customers asking questions. Not all of them are starting gossip. Let's be real here. People don't like to feel like they are left in the dark. They want to know what's going on before they start renewing licenses or buying more. Silence is what festers gossip.

    Letting cliques speak for a company looks really bad. Unfortunately, they think their way of being supportive is helping when it's not. From an outside view this will do more harm than good. The developers should be replying to customer concerns about development progress. But, to each their
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  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member


    They should be replying to customers like they did before, it's very disrespectful not doing so, especially with many customers supporting them against Internet Brands "coming from vBulletin themselves". And have we not seen enough threads locked and ongoing concerns expressed to make them realise (and well before now) they should be saying something? But instead they keep giving nothing away! It's the 9th June today, still they've not come forward saying anything about XF 1.2, why?

    You'd think after what's been posted here, said about things there. That KAM would have come out on XenForo wanting to quash rumours? It's all well and fine keeping your mouth shut, but when it's doing damage to your company reputation it needs addressing. It's not a game and common sense alone tells you, they need to come out putting the record straight and keep faith with customers - giving them something to go off.

    Marking some bugs as fixed to start the rumour mill going, letting customers read their own thing into it. Well, that's sure not telling customers anything. All that does is start unnecessary speculation, but speculation isn't what's required now, nor for a long time. Facts are needed posted from KAM!!!

    I'm not interested in hearing a pink elephant was spotted and that could mean XF 1.2 is coming, I want to read them say it's for sure "first hand". And as an active licensed customers at XenForo, think I'm entitled to that much supporting them with cash buying their product, as is everyone else.

    Spotted this in twitter today, many other people are fed up with the silence from KAM saying nothing. And they still let things like this carry on by refusing to comment confirming anything - why is that? And this is not something said by "ME, Mark or AWS", but coming from other unhappy customers.

    View attachment 2196

    View attachment 2197

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  6. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    The cliques will point fingers toward the more vocal ones because it's just easier that way. They talk about the conspiracy theories against XF, yet they have enough of their own against IPB & VB right on the XF site. The Cali case thread has a ton of them alone. It's just hilarious that they think it's not ok for you but it is ok for them. Silly....really!

    The attacks on current customers for asking questions is the one thing XF should be worried about. Not the gossip. Most businesses know that bad PR can be good PR because people are talking MORE about you. It helps spread the word about the business and perks interest. People are curious and smart enough to check things out for themselves. Those people often turn into customers. But what's going to happen when those people go to XF and see customers attacking other customers for asking about development progress and the future of XF? Now that's something to worry about. I just don't understand why people can't see that? It's just too obvious to miss! Eventually, they will have to face these customers...or hope that the cliques scare them away.

    My only fear is that "Silence" is the almighty trade secret.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well those not looking elsewhere already, thinking of changing forum software away from XenForo. Most left are now waiting to see what happens next in June, and many have stopped renewing their XF license until it does arrive, faith is now completely lost! So really KAM have no option, not if they want to carry on making money? But to release XF 1.2 very soon and break their silence with it going back to how they was before. Until they do that people will not renew their XF licenses, more are jumping on that same boat each day - and coming out saying it openly.

    If that's not a good enough reason in itself to break the silence, I really don't know what is? My mind just boggles at what they've been doing the past 3 months, anyone would think they are trying to destroy the XenForo company on purpose? KAM - are going about it the right way for sure!
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Perhaps, if they are resigned to handing it over to vBulletin eventually, they are destroying it on purpose.
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Now I've spotted even "Mert" is posting his concerns. More and more are opening their mouths you wouldn't expect too, time KAM said something? Things are fast turning into a shambles there!

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  10. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    Their silence is a huge issue, I agree. It reminds people of other companies they used before and what happened to them. The real scaremongering is the "Silence", not the gossip. Because people are not going to move on just because of speculations. They will more likely move on because of "Silence".
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Of course they will, people are not daft and if they move onto using IPB or back to vBulletin. It will be purely based on the actions (or lack off) they see happening on XenForo. And for no other reason, most certainly not because of anything they've read here, or on any other sites!

    All we are doing, is voicing our grave concerns as XenForo license customers also. But away from that site because some of us are sick of the fan-boy trolls getting away with blatant murder and censorship taking place at XF "when it suits them" deleting stuff. Need I mention the name "Brogan", and how the staff was caught red handed in the act of butchering (censoring) his posts to suit.

    And this is fact, not fiction.
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  12. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I agree with you.
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I agree that releasing 1.2 soon would restore some faith.
    But to be honest, I don't think anyone will ever see the same amount of communication from them that we saw in the early days of XF.
  14. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Gary, don't put Brogan on a pedestal. He was a good mod, I give him that. But for as many posts as there were praising Brogan, there were almost as many complaining about their posts being deleted, their threads being closed, and the way he talked to them in posts.

    Concerning what you've said in another post above - I hate to agree with you, I really do , lol. But it does look at though XF is going down. I hate to say that. I was with Kier and Mike from the onset, even before they created the forum, when they were still coding the software, and it's very sad to see all of that go to waste now.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It is sad to see it all going to waste, if things are indeed heading that way. But at least be honest and upfront with your customers saying so. After all, they have backed them to the hilt against Internet Brands putting faith in their product. So show some respect back and stop with all this nonsense of saying nothing, KAM are losing favour fast with customers acting this way because it's very ignorant.

    In a nutshell, they are "blanking" customers out, they have been for 3 months. Let's not make excuses up for it, because that's what they've been doing and continue doing so.
  16. steven s

    steven s Regular Member

    Maybe if they have to hand over a product, why continue to work on it?
    I mean, if the bank is going to take away your house, do you really care about your lawn or maintaining your home?
    Let they new owners worry about it.

    My organization put up a considerable amount of money to develop a SSO based on my suggestion.
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  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Nope, you don't. And worst still, if your house is going to somebody you don't want to have it (IB). Your going to cause plenty of collateral damage before leaving it empty. The ironic thing is, should that be true. The fan-boys on XenForo are working for the wrong side unknowingly.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm not trying to put Brogan on any pedestal, and your correct he could be just as bad at censoring posts himself. Although, I think in the end before he left when looking after XenForo forums alone (more or less), he had an hard job on his hands with people wanting answers and did a pretty good job for a while trying to handle it all solo. But it all became too much for him in the end and cracked under pressure.

    Looked that way anyway? :shrug:
  19. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    Wrong again.

    My reasons for leaving will become apparent once (if) the facts are ever made available by Kier, Mike or Ashley.

    I won't say anything until (if) that happens.
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  20. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I admire you for that Paul, but you know that isn't going to happen.
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