Wrong, wrong, wrong! The only person who has ever said openly they dislike Kier is AWS, which I'm sure he won't mind me point out. Both myself and Mark have never said such a thing. Guess your now resorting to making things up?
In what way is pointing out that the developers went silent for months without explanation, causing a loss of customer confidence, "speculation", "disruption" or "causing confusion"?
What a superb reply, and at last somebody talking sense on XenForo. I tip my hat to Paul being honest writing that one, and just have to love the last line he finishes with - just how true is that? I see DEEBS is also coming out against XenForo as well now, great stuff! People are finally WAKING UP seeing the light, but that light-bulb is flashing RED! Wow! Mike shows his face marking some bugs fixed (first time in months). Now everyone is jumping up and down thinking this naturally means XF 1.2 is coming - why? They might only see a maintenance release made for current version, and there's still no XF 1.2 going to arrive come June end date. Where are the 1.2 teasers and feature topics about it from staff still, why do they still remain silent about it? Some people are reading way too much into things, no wonder KAM likes playing cryptic guessing games with customers. But I guess if it keeps that money rolling in, it's a game worth playing?
The more this sort of stuff is posted, the sillier certain people look. Some people *really* dislike my presence on the site and it shows. But, I am clearly not alone.
Just cannot believe how much people read into things. As Mike started posting on the forums since marking a few bugs up, or has he gone back into hiding again. Looks like the later to me. Come on the forums, mark some bugs fixed, the fan-boys start screaming hysterically that a JEDI has arrived and will soon release a new Light Sabre! Didn't KIer mark some bugs fixed not that long ago, which resulted in the same kind of hysteria. But his Light Sabre soon fizzled out.
Nah he posted several times this afternoon. He seems to be "back". What this means isn't exactly clear though.
My money is now on a "Maintenance Release" only, possibly also coming with "unexpected" support to use RM with it (released at same time for sale). Having thought more about it, there is no XF 1.2 coming in June! They should be able to at least confirm 1.2 is coming now, so why don't they? There's only one reason why they won't confirm it's coming in June still, we're more or less in the middle of it. Because it ain't coming, simple as! How the heck can we be here in the middle of June with nothing said to confirm XF 1.2 is coming to date still, and people still act like it is doing?
Well I'm doing the massive £100,000,000 + roll-over "Lottery" this weekend. I'm feeling more confident of winning that. £75 grand a week interest in bank if I win it, fingers crossed!
And another: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/any-good-news-please-help-to-stop-rumors.32341/page-9#post-371414
Already read it. And that's just one telling you. How many are doing the same saying nothing? There has to be a few doing it now after 3 months of silence and nothing mentioned about development still. You'd be a fool to think otherwise, that it's not happening. And most usually say nothing, they just do it moving away quietly. The WOOD-ROT has set in now
The number publicly converting away is worrying, and far more than I expected to be honest. And yes for every one person who announces it you can expect at least another two will go silently. Yet still the business owners don't seem fussed.
It's his business to open eyes of other customers as well ! That's how i understand his posts so far .
Wow! That thread is quite entertaining at a glance. You see the same people running around shhh-ing up anyone posting concerns and asking questions. Then throw them into the troll bin. LMAO! Pretty funny to see posts saying things like: You bought the product. It's stable. You basically need to shut up because you were only promised support. It makes you wonder if all those people even have a forum anymore. Maybe their forums are so dead that they hang out on XF out of boredom. Buying a product does not give people the right to attack anyone asking about development. Yet, those same people tell concerned customers that it doesn't give them the right to ask about development. LMAO! Let's not forget that these same people were doing the same thing over at VB not too long ago. Freaking hilarious! If you ignore the peanut gallery and focus on development progress, what would you choose as a new customer? People need to be honest! Throwing bullshit around so you look like a part of the in-crowd doesn't make you look any smarter. Those cliques attacking others actually scare off potential new customers. No one wants to invest into a company that has a bunch of people jumping all over anyone asking development questions. Or worse yet, editing or closing their threads. Even those who know about the forum admin drama are moving around again. Cliques always scare people off. I do hope development continues. Competition is good for admins! Keeps progress growing...