The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. John

    John Regular Member

    Here's the thing Mark, it may be too late for you and some others (and that's fine, I won't criticize you for your decisions) but remember, you most likely do not speak for how the 'majority' of XF customers see things. As you said, it will all come out in the wash. Only time will tell. In the interim, you'd serve yourself well to let it go and get on with vB4 (that goes for everyone else that has, or is leaning towards, writing XF off) and those of us that haven't will continue with our lives as well. That way, everyone's happy. :)
    4 people like this.
  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    That's interesting, Brogan was wrong then. We can expect XF 1.2 in June, 2012 now for sure?

    How can I put this? Digital Doctor is "Extremely Pro XenForo", to the point of being SOPPY! Good for him, but he fools nobody with his constant XenForo defensive posts made (none stop). Nice enough person, but a bit OTT for me!
  3. goob6969

    goob6969 Inactive

    You mean Brogans "then there was 2" comment refering to the ammount of moderators when he left ;) ?
  4. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't speak for anyone but myself. However it's clear that the recent behaviour of the XF developers has adversely affected the perception of the company for a significant number of customers. Why are we seeing ports back to vBulletin, and ports to Invision? This ought to be *unthinkable*, and certainly was until a few months ago.

    Of course, vBulletin has upped its game considerably recently but there are sites explicitly citing the developer silence as the prime reason.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Just been reading Mike Sullivan is now known as JEDI. I love starwars, which is actually spelt "Star Wars"! :rofl:

    So Mike (Luke Skywalker), has been marking lots of bugs up. Well this could spell a June 12th release? Makes sense really to me, seeing as Kier (Obi-Wan Kenobi) does love to seize any opportunity to get back at Internet Brands (Darth Vader).

    Problem is, "the force" is strongest with the dark side right now.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Maybe. In which case it amounts to "ha ha suckers, fooled you, here's the major release we've been secretly working on and refusing to discuss for months despite you all clamouring for answers". Which is still not the way to do business. It certainly isn't the way I do business.

    As has been said many times, it is virtually impossible for them to retrieve this situation now with a great many customers, no matter what they do. Their credibility has been shot to pieces.
  7. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    Why would it be unthinkable, XenForo is a great piece of software but it has very basic features missing. Recently I've had a persistent troll signing up with several accounts, on vB i would have merged all his accounts into one. On Xenforo I am stuck.

    When I look back over old Conversations i dont know who they are with, I have to pay for an add-on which shows me something as basic as that.

    The smiley system is very basic and poor.

    There's still no in-house mobile support altho that has been promised for 1.2

    No indication of who last edited a post and when.

    I could go on and on, there's plenty of basics overlooked with XF so I dont know where you get 'unthinkable' from?
    3 people like this.
  8. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    This is exactly what I said earlier, even if they do manage to release 1.2 (which I'm still not sure of) on time they will still get badmouthed over something else. They cant win with some people.
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  9. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    There definitely is quite a bit missing. I talked with K til I was just about blue in the face, before xenForo launched, but my concerns were dismissed.

    I'm not expecting a June 12 release, no. Perhaps sometime in June, but not specifically the 12th.
    Dig Doc is definitely a high wire, funny tho.
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  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Digital Doctor is OK, like the guy myself. But he can be a bit OTT at times when talking about XenForo. Nothing wrong with supporting something, but when a person starts to become nauseating with it, that's it for me, I stop taking what they say seriously.
  11. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    I've worked with coders and they dont have attention to detail, generally if it works then it works.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    A few things about XenForo, I keep reading people say how "User Friendly" it is compared to other forum software. OK then, why is it so hard to add custom BBCode and Smilies. And yes, there's a lot missing even vB3 wipes the floor with XenForo on. Powerful Ranks system, another big flaw in XenForo, it doesn't have a ranking system. What about the member list, how can I arrange members by join date, last visited e.t.c. Oh wait, I can't!

    And that's just for starters, There's Albums, Social Groups, More powerful avatar system using permissions. Set different file-sizes for different types of attachments uploaded. And many more useful forum features in general.

    People keep acting like XenForo is the fastest, hell it is. My testing using same configuration and Innobi tables for both vB3 and XenForo. Same File Cache system used for both . Shows me clearly XenForo is the slowest of the two, even when using Innobi tables for vB3. Had same results on shared hosting as well. Keep in mind vBulletin 3 is also making use of many more features than XenForo too, all of them I had maxed out to slow vBulletin 3 down as much as possible. It still well out performed XenForo on page loading speed (and with all the social networking features disabled in XenForo). Some people get too carried away with their claims about it for me!
  13. Brogan

    Brogan Regular Member

    Wrong about what?
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  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Thought I might temp you here again with that one, that was my plan using a few carefully worded words. I was joking! :lol2:
  15. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    Sometimes when I try to post I get this error...

    ...but there is no URL
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Double post
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well that's good news, at least we know he's still been around all the time. But I don't know what all the XenForo fan-boys are shouting about and I'll tell you why. This only goes to show they've all been keeping quite for months, including Mike. Another thing we can read into this news Mike is still around, there's really no excuse for XenForo not being released in June now, seeing as both Kier and Mike have been working on things all along ( and not just one). This puts even more pressure on them to produce the goods "very soon" in June!

    Had it been just KIer working on things, Mike had left. Then you could excuse him falling behind schedule for XenForo 1.2 release in Q2. But not anymore. And do expect we'll see it released soon now, and still think they might be aiming for a June 12th release date?
  18. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Ye..I saw him there too.
  19. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    Not sure what others think but yes xenforo did worked for me like charm the project i have been trying to work out with vbulletin never hapened . Asap i saw xenforo i jumped the ship and started it which was slow for few months but now it's almost year since i started we are about to hit 400 members with great activity /people like it too . I know i absolutely hate lot of devs out there and other members . They get pretty serious over every small things you say and cry over it .
  20. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    Anyway let's get back to business.

    Now that Mike is back. What's the next burning question?

    I just checked and Kier hasn't logged in since Monday. Not since Monday has he logged in.

    I'm getting really worried, this ship is sinking without trace. I think I'm going to sleep in the lifeboat tonight 'just in case' Kier doesn't come back.

    I'm not just speculating here, not in the slightest. I have some real solid proof. I did a Google search for 'vBulletin + Kier Darby' and I got over 77,000 results. Do I really need to add anything to that?

    However I did notice something else, I dont want to alarm anyone but something sinister is going on. We all know that Kier spells his name 'ie' but if you do a Google search for 'vbulletin + keir darby' there are over 30,000 results.That's almost half as many results for 'ei' as there are for 'ie'

    Have IB cloned Kier and is the big announcement going to be them unveiling their own K'ei'r to compete with XenForo's Kier? I still have my money on XenForo Kier because he has Mike.

    That is unless....
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