Think DNS has finally sorted itself out now. Does anyone think we might see XenForo 1.2 released on June 12th? Same day vB5 is showcased at ForumCon.
Was wondering if they might see it as an ideal opportunity to take away some lime-light from the vB5 release. Noticed before with some vBulletin 4 releases made, they was released on the exact same day XenForo updates was. So kind of figured who knows, maybe they are thinking along the same lines also when vB5 gets released. Put XF 1.2 up for download at the same time with loads of improvements?
Well I'm just asking what people think because there's always that possibility it could happen, you can't rule it out. And to be honest, it's the type of thing I'd expect to see them do. You couldn't pick a better time to release XF 1.2, than at the same time vB5 is being showcased. Not sure what you mean by "suit" is over? You mean the court case I presume, and if you do that won't help making no more releases in the meantime. Not seeing as most people are now avoiding renewing until they see XF 1.2 released, "something to renew for". It would put a serious dent in their cash flow at a time they can't avoid to have that happening, not now they have a December court trial date set and things are going start getting more expensive leading up to it in legal costs preparing for trial.
No, the RM was going to be a paid add-on product like their big board search offered. But it would only be supported as an add-on for using with XF 1.2 (as I understand it), and hence why it would most likely get released at the same time at XF 1.2. That's from what I can gather anyway before, there would no point releasing RM until XF 1.2 is out, but could be wrong!
Your assuming they have 1.2 and its ready for distribution... Then, if the June 12 vB5 presentation is impressive, they have to outdo vb 5. Ive said it before. the vB5 announcement just came out. KAM would have had to know about this months ago to plan this. I dont think vB knew about this months ago. I would have heard about it most likely.
The same one that people are using expecting 1.2 to be released soon. But I have to agree. Despite what has been said, I think development has been brought to a crawl. The excitment is all but gone.
*sigh* I do have to agree with you, but that is only our opinion. A guess, at best. To say that there is NO development going on, like you know it for a fact, is silly, imo.
Well, if you want to believe that the team have gone completely silent and refuse to communicate with customers, causing large numbers of defections to rival software and massive negativity on their own company forums, because they are secretly working on nearly-finished exciting new version that's shortly to be released, and they are all going to say "haha fooled you suckers", that's up to you. Me, I prefer to live in the real world, and there's little to no development going on there.
Yeah, I totally agree with you Mark in what you say! But it's always been "speculation based" at best what we've said or thought, and we always need to keep that in mind. You cannot run around saying you know for a fact, when you actually don't. Your just asking to get pulled-up and jumped on for saying that one! But yes, what you said above I couldn't agree more with.
I never said I knew for a fact. However nobody can convince me that the XF team are developing in secret. They aren't developing at all, it's as simple as that. People are welcome to carry on believing in fairies of they like.