The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well I've just heard some good news on vBulletin in a reply from Paul.M there, when asking before if vBulletin 5 will just be a rewrite of vBulletin 4 or not. According to Paul it won't be, so looks like we're going to see a brand new vBulletin 5 product unveiled at ForumCon next week.

    It goes without saying - this will now put a lot more pressure on XenForo having to come up with the XF 1.2 goods this month!
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Paul talked recently about how he is working on "the vB5 equivalent of plugins and hooks", which suggests that part at least has had a major revision.

    My gut feeling is, I don't think it will be a *complete* rewrite of every single piece of code. However I do think it will sufficiently different that it will drive the product forwards.

    I also feel it is unlikely now that we will see a 4.3, as many have been predicting. But I may well be wrong about that.
  3. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Come on Gary, you know as well as I do, there's no "secret development" taking place.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well, I'm just quoting what Paul said, and that does kind of suggest it will be. Read into that what you will? He says it "is not an extension" of vBulletin 4, so to me that means vB5 has been wrote from the ground up as a new product.

  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I don't know that for sure Mark? I'd be a fool to say I do know for sure it isn't taking place. I suspect not same as you, but don't know for sure?
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Read more into what Paul DIDN'T say than what he DID say.

    He DIDN'T say "vB5 will be a complete rewrite".
    He has also stated the other week in another post "I never said anything about it being a rewrite".

    What he is saying in that post you have linked to, is that vB5 isn't simply going to be an extension of vB4. So imagine if they had taken 4.2, given it a new skin, and said "Here's vB5"....Paul is saying that's NOT the sort of thing that is being done.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Like I say, I'm just quoting what he said. I'm not going to argue the ins and outs of it all. If you think it won't be a full rewrite, fair enough. Maybe your right and it will be vB4 with a new lick of paint thrown on it, who knows?

    Don't shoot the messenger.... :uhh:
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I didn't say it would be vB4 with a lick of paint on it... :o
  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Sorry, you said SKIN not paint, but meant same thing.

  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Attached Files:

  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Puts kettle on to make fresh brew before reading! Mark, I think your fast losing your "Drama Queen" title, that's all I can say really reading that. That person has posted here, also like how he's says "you have my permission", like anyone needs it? :lol2:

    He must be about 12 years old I'm guessing reading that?
  12. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I can't get over how these people think that the final day of Q2 was ever "a definite release date". :rolleyes:

    Can't wait til the end of the countdown and nothing happens...
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well, if it's not released on last day or before in June. It doesn't bare even thinking about what's going to happen there.

  14. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I can think of many responses to that thread, however since all dissenting opinions are now ruthlessly deleted, there isn't any point making the effort.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well they did say XF 1.2 was scheduled for Q2. And June is the last month in it. And seeing as we've not seen any maintenance releases made in-between taking their time up, we should be seeing it released in June to be fair, they've had ample time working on it now. If things go past June, then obviously development isn't fast enough nor acceptable really. Not when it comes to what people expect from a paid product looking at IPB and vBulletin costing the same more or less and their development pace. They created XenForo "originally" fast enough from scratch, so what's the hold up now, there shouldn't be any if we're to go off how fast they've been developing things beforehand?

    It's not like XF 1.2 was planned to be full rewrite or anything, and you can always put a CAP on some features missing the June deadline and add them instead in the next maintenance release of it.
  16. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Thing is though, even without the current silence, it should NEVER have been taken that the final day of Q2 was som sort of formal release date. Software development isn't like that. This sort of thing happens so often on vBulletin too, "we aim to have the release done sometime next week" which is followed at 00:01 by "it's next week now, where's the release?"

    This is the same sort of thing and it'd be pathetic even without the current "silence".
  17. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Attached Files:

  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I see your point, but you could argue that XF 1.2 could have been released in "April or May" (June is last month) in Q2 after all. So it's kind of heading to a last minute release thing. Yes it could go past June and it does happen, I agree. But seeing as people have seen pretty much nothing said or released for months. No time wasted on posting up video and wasting time writing announcements about new features coming e.t.c. They think all their time has been poured into development XF 1.2, to get it out the door in-time for Q2.

    That's pretty much the excuse all the fan-boys have been using from day one, and why they now expect to see it arrive no later than June (Q2).
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Think Slavik might be writing another warning out to you right about now. :nono:

    You need to be careful Mark, I think your bordering very close to them banning you. Ashley banned me because they didn't like what I posted AWAY from XenForo, my ban had nothing to do with anything I said there. Purely what I said OFF SITE away from XF.

    If your not bothered if they do or don't, fair enough. But think your pushing them close to doing it.
  20. soniceffect

    soniceffect Regular Member

    I dont agree with some of what Mark says either at times, but someone having an opinion on something doesnt make them stupid.

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