The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Really? Actually I'm not arguing with anyone, nor has it been my intention to try and get a rise out of anyone. That seems to happen regardless of who is posting, lol.

    Hey, if I think you're wrong, I'll state my opinion. I'm entitled to do that, just like you're entitled to your endless speculations, conjectures, and theories. However, according to you, if I do the same, or correct someone, or give another viewpoint, I'm arguing.

    I guess you missed my posts where I said that Kier and co have made mistakes, big ones. Also where I said I'm not a fan of XF very much anymore. Also the one about... eh, never mind. :coffee:
  2. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Yeah I can certainly agree with you there, and it does look 'suspicious'.

    But I think we can all understand too, that with so many things on their minds, auto-renew on my domain would probably be about the last thing I'd think to check.

    But then, that's just me.
  3. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    Fact is: Many people are very disappointed about Xenforo. People loved the software and the people behind it. And as much they loved them a year ago as much they are disappointed now.

    People didn't take the lawsuit very seriously. Now they see that it may really be possible that Xenforocom (and all the useful stuff there) is gone one day without any announcement.
    2 people like this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Keep in mind, we've all made them. Not just me! :uhh:
  5. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Now did I say you're the only one? You're too funny Gary.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    "Removed" - Never mind, just spotted this was old new from December, 2011. Read a last reply and thought it was recent. Doh! :doh:
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    @Mark.B - My goD, what have you got yourself involved in now at vBulletin with this for? I see your being ripped to bits! Your going to land yourself in hot water because they've already said discussion about XenForo is banned from there like that.

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  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't think there's a ban as such, but in the same way that I don't discuss vBulletin on XenForo, I'm not going to discuss XenForo on vBulletin.

    I've put that chap in his place but that's all I will post on it over there now.
  9. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Y'know what Mark, I actually agree with a couple of points in that post.

    However, you don't know for sure that development is on hold. They've posted twice that development is ongoing, and has never stopped. So saying that development is on hold is speculation at best.

    Just sayin'... :2cents:
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  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    It's ALL speculation. I know nothing for certain.

    All I know is that, even if a release was to be imminent, the silence is an appalling way to treat customers, especially those who put a lot of blind faith into their project.

    For instance I bought a licence on day 1. I knew it would be at least a year before I could switch to XF but I wanted to support the guys. And look how that's being repaid. There are many like me.
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  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    And that's one thing which will be held against them, should they carry on much further and release XF 1.2, which I don't think they will looking at things? People are moving away from XenForo now, and not so much because they don't know what's going on. But because they are getting ignored as customers not being kept in the loop proper. You can't run the type of business they are like that and expect you'll not start losing customers acting this way. But I don't think they are doing it because "that's them and their ways", they wasn't doing it before and was communicating very well. I think it's being done on purpose until what-ever is coming off - happens. I think they just don't care anymore and have a good reason why they are keeping so quiet!

    You know, it really wouldn't surprise me with the Bugs marked as fixed lately. If they've not been fixed at all. Just done to make people think development is moving forward and carry on parting with cash. If they've fixed all these bugs, then why haven't we seen a maintenance release made for the current XenForo version being used now, seeing as we're so close to XF 1.2 getting released? There was the PHP 5 issue reported that warranted an early maintenance release among other stuff, surely we should have seen one by now? Don't think anything is happening there - shoot me for saying it!

    Funny how they didn't waste two minutes today posting an announcement about "why the site went down". They was quick enough to do that! Yet, it's like trying to get blood out a stone - regarding anything about XF 1.2 development?
  12. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    I do asume that development is continuing. I think that the bugs are really fixed.

    But I also think that something is preventing them to release a new version. Maybe Slavik is right and a new company is planned whereas Xenforo will go bankrupt. It won't make sense to release a new version in a bankrupt company. But it makes sense to release Wonderboard 1.0 at wonderboard . com.

    Or, maybe, vb 5 is really XF 1.2. ;)

    Both things make more sense than releasing a new version at Xenforo as it is right now.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    vBulletin have been working on vB5 (9 months at least from what I've read). Well before KAM started working on XF 1.2 (only 3 month ago). So that just a "really, really really, really really, really" silly thing people are bashing about.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Or maybe they'll call it - Wonderbra

    And people say we're getting carried away! :lol2:

    Anyway, from what I've seen they are being taken to court as individuals. Not as an XenForo company entity. So it really doesn't matter if they did try that one or not. And once you make yourself bankrupt, there's no way you can just start another company right away. Not in their names at least for a good while. I know somebody who made themselves bankrupt and things come with it, like not being able to get credit for starters for well over a year.
  15. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I have to agree with you there.
  16. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    They for sure cannot do it in their name. :)

    And yes, they are sued as individuals too. And unfortunately this is the only part of the case where IB may succeed partly.
    So it still makes sense to divide the individuals from the product.

    The best way however would be a settlement of the case. Given that IB has almost reached their goal of ruining Xenforo and no much money is there to be won by anyone it may be a good time to come to an agreement. I do not know Kier, Ashley or Mike personally, but I would assume that the three have a hard time to find a way each one of them is willing to go.
  17. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Slavik said this?
  18. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    Yes, I am wondering myself about that.
    Never would let an employee of me speculate about that at my company board.
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  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Do you have a link to his post on this?
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    To be honest I'd agree with you on that, why keep wasting money on something if you know already it's only a matter of time anyhow before running out of funds to carry on fighting. You might as well cut a deal early doing yourself a favour, along with getting rid of the stress of it all. There's no point carry on fighting out of blind hatred, when really your just prolonging things for yourself unnecessarily with the same outcome. And might not be in a position later anymore to even consider cutting a deal.

    What IB have done was the best way, target then as individuals. Each person has a different standard of living they need to keep up, bills to pay. And that can cause a rift between KAM as they each begin falling out over if they should settle or not. Plus as individuals, some of them will simply get fed-up with it sooner than others will, wanting to end things and move on to a more happy life.

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