The Admin Zone

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by AWS, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    While you're working on your forum have you ever been in that zone?

    You know the one I'm talking about, the admin zone. If you've ever been in the admin zone you'll know it right away.

    Let me explain the admin zone. Your working on a specific area of your site. Everything is going along great. You're knocking out code and moving right along. You finish one thing and slide over to another not missing a beat. Before you know it you've got everything you had planned for the day and more complete. Now you have time to interact with your members on forum.

    That my friends is the admin zone.

    Have you ever been in the admin zone?
    5 people like this.
  2. Shawn

    Shawn Newcomer


    That is The Admin Zone I would rather be a part of hahaha. I get like that almost everyday though on my forums :) Especially the active one! However, sometimes I have to block it out and get into the "work on my PhD Zone" :P
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Yep sometimes school has to win out.
  4. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I've been there before but was never what you would call active. Way, way way too strict, and they seem to have a thing for banning competitior sites and their owners. If I've heard one story I've heard a thousand others about Webmaster niches being banned all for the sake of competition. Downright pathetic is what it is.
  5. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Heh. Why do you think they do that though? They're one of the biggest admin forums on the web - what's the point of them allowing users to link out to other admin forums? Obviously they do that because they don't want their users leaving. Sure, if they allowed it, more people would probably be on the other admin forums. They build their own reputation, and they don't want to see that go. You can call it insecure because its just like a guy not letting his girl hang out with other boys because of jealously issues and such, so really, I guess its okay that they do that. Because you wouldn't want someone coming to your site just to get members now would you?
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    If I am remembering correctly you were also staff there for a while during the time when I was an admin there. You must know the anti competition goes much farther than just no links to other related sites. Some of the rules border on idiocy or down right paranoia by the owner. I quit as admin over a disagreement of the policy.

    Either way this thread isn't for a discussion about site the admin zone. It's about that feeling an admin gets when they really get a lot done in a short period of time.
  7. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Ya, I was a moderator there for a few months. Some stupid thing happened and they demodded me, but they also lost a valuable member because I always tried my best to help out around.

    Well, things that get me in the "Admin zone" is music, and the people around me.
  8. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    I'm always in the zone. Let's say I'm 5 days after eye surgery (on both eyes). they're red, swollen and teary and i still post on my forums. I think I need a doctor and not an eye doctor, that's for sure :D
  9. Eric Lyon

    Eric Lyon Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

    My Zones are in blocks of 3 to 5 hour stretches. I can easily zone out in community research, marketing strategy, report resolving, Public relations, Customer Service, Competition Comparisons, Code Fixes, Structural Integrity, etc.. for 10 to 16 hours a day with a few breaks to eat or watch a quick show in between (even then I'm checking in on my windows phone). I think it's easy for an Admin to lose track of time once they get into that zone and are passionate about their community.

    Eric Lyon

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